This Season’s Top 5 Fashion Bestsellers — Women Edition

We have reached the second quarter of the year. And the question on everyone’s mind is what this season’s fashion bestsellers are. As usual, we have collected the data and crunched them to provide you the answer. Lace Shift Dress Shift dresses still top this season’s bestsellers; with lace shift dresses taking centre stage this season. Lace gives a nice twist to shift dresses, with … Continue reading This Season’s Top 5 Fashion Bestsellers — Women Edition

10 Grooming Mistakes Men Make (and How to Fix Them)

Original Content from Daniel Loy Thread SG We’ve all been there before — paying too much attention to what we wear, and too little to what’s already on our body. From hair to skin and everything in between, having a proper routine will let you look and feel fresh all year round. Here are 10 mistakes that we’ve identified in males around the world, and the simple-to-follow … Continue reading 10 Grooming Mistakes Men Make (and How to Fix Them)


Original Content from Sreya Sanyal Thread SG Sunshine, clear skies, sandy beaches and pristine waters — these are just a few of the things we love about countries with perpetual summer. If you’re an inhabitant of a tropical nation, do the good work and pass this article along to a friend living in cooler climates. However, if you’re far too excited to pack and have no time … Continue reading JETSETTER, TRENDSETTER: Summer Locales

BEAUTY QUICKIE: The Lowdown on Eye Bags and Dark Circles

Original Content from Thread SG Nothing makes us look more worn out than dark circles and puffy eyes. But what exactly causes them and how do we alleviate the problem? Here’s the lowdown on eye bags, and the solutions to banish them for good: About Your Eyes Did you know? The skin around your eyes is about three to five times thinner than the rest of … Continue reading BEAUTY QUICKIE: The Lowdown on Eye Bags and Dark Circles

Get Your Glow On: 6 Steps for a Naturally Dewy Makeup Look

Original Content from Darcel Anastasia Al Anthony Thread SG “Dewy”, “radiant”, and “glowing” are just some terms to describe the mainstream idea of beauty. Another one? Natural. Rather than caking one’s face with foundation and powder, many have resorted to a no-makeup makeup look. This means using makeup products to cover up blemishes while giving a bright and wide-eyed look without making it obvious that … Continue reading Get Your Glow On: 6 Steps for a Naturally Dewy Makeup Look

Beauty 101: Five Essentials To Fit In A Handy Makeup Kit

Original Content from Sreya Sanyal Thread SG So you have arrived to work with your Best Face Forward — lipstick, check; eyeliner, on fleek; hair, shining brighter than Rihanna’s proverbial diamond. Too bad it doesn’t stay this way for more than a few hours (thanks a lot, air-con, food, and natural elements). Which is why we have to carry out make-up essentials to maintain face. Fret not — you … Continue reading Beauty 101: Five Essentials To Fit In A Handy Makeup Kit

Beauty 101: Four Lipstick Shades To Explore (Which Are Not Red)

Original Content from Sreya Sanyal Thread SG When shopping for lipsticks, we tend to be partial towards one shade or the other. This leads to a build-up of lipsticks of the same colour — resulting in a monotonous look. Don’t be afraid to switch it up a little — there are tons of other shades to explore even if you’re working within the confines of an office environment. Here … Continue reading Beauty 101: Four Lipstick Shades To Explore (Which Are Not Red)


Original Content from Thread SG You know a look is iconic when it remains almost the same despite the test of time. The classic French Riviera style that involves Breton stripes, cropped pants, straw boater hats, and basket bags has been sported by style icons such as Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, and Jane Birkin at Cannes. But how can you take on the look on … Continue reading JETSETTER, TRENDSETTER: Riviera Chic

Trend Tutorial: Back To The 80s

Brighter, bigger, bolder Original Content from Nica Dobles Thread PH After years of minimalism, the fashion world’s been trending back to the other side of the spectrum over the past season or two. Maximalism is the new name of the game, and nothing embodies that concept more than the 1980s — the decade of big hair, loud colors, and bold outfit choices. Plus with 80’s nostalgia coming strong … Continue reading Trend Tutorial: Back To The 80s

Beauty 101: Sleep Skincare

Shut-eye or no shut-eye, skin comes first. Original Content from Bea Punzalan Thread PH Photo by Dana Tentis from Pexels You should always give your skin some special attention at the end of the day. From all the pollution, the stress, and the wrinkles the long day has given you, your skin needs its proper detox and cleansing once you’re ready to hit the sheets. So, what’s … Continue reading Beauty 101: Sleep Skincare

Steal Her Style: Olivia Palermo

Slaying and staying on top of it all. Original Content from Bea Punzalan Thread PH Steal Her Style: Olivia Palermo Slaying and staying on top of it all. We first saw her in the reality TV show The City a decade ago, working the desks of Teen Vogue as an intern. Years later, Olivia Palermo has made a name for herself as a fashion icon and entrepreneur. She’s … Continue reading Steal Her Style: Olivia Palermo

Trending: Straw Accessories

Countrify your holiday hustle. Original Content from Bea Punzalan Thread PH Photo from Pexels No other texture comes in mind other than woven straw accessories during a holiday out in the beach or that much needed vacation in Europe. The perfect accent to amplify that flowy summer dress and those sunglasses, from straw bags and hats, to espadrilles, your summer #ootd will turn heads everywhere! Let’s give … Continue reading Trending: Straw Accessories


Translated Original Content from Alicia Chang Thread SG 如果你至今仍未有裙褲,是時候要重新評估下自己的時尚觸覺! 不知道裙褲是甚麼?裙褲基本上就是闊管褲,但當雙腳併合時,看起來會像穿上裙子。裙褲的好處多不勝數﹕穿起來舒適又不失型格;假如想造型更突出,裙褲更是不容忽視的特色單品。 想把裙褲穿得好看絕非易事。首先要確保穿起來比例無誤(嬌小女生,我們懂你!),然後亦要留意穿起來不會顯得過分老成。只要解決以上兩個難題,裙褲定能助你走在潮流的正途上。 仍然一頭霧水?不如參考以下小貼士,輕鬆襯出帥氣造型!(闊管褲同樣適用!) 入門級﹕掛頸短上衣 想穿得好看,就需要注意身材比例﹕如果穿了寬鬆裁剪的褲或裙,記得要穿修身上衣作平衡。掛頸短上衣簡約得來又能突顯身材,加上復古的貓眼形太陽眼鏡、搭帶高跟鞋或波鞋,讓你在茫茫人海中突圍而出。 2. 中級﹕吊帶背心 幼帶背心連裙褲的慵賴造型,帶來眼前一亮的效果。只要再加多件西裝外套,上班造型就大功告成。 3. 中級﹕露肩上衣 自問有誘人的肩膊/鎖骨?露肩上衣絕對是你的好朋友。另一個小貼士﹕注意荷葉邊細節!你絕對不會想上下身看起來胖胖的!想解決這個問題,記得加上腰帶,讓漏斗般的線條重現人前。 4. 中級﹕牛津恤衫 經典恤衫,永無失手。如果不想花氣力思考配襯,恤衫裙褲是個不錯的選擇,當上班服亦不會有大問題。不要忘記加上一對修腳的高跟鞋,型格之餘又不失優雅。 5. 中級﹕外套 不要害怕從頭包到腳。不過記得要好好考慮顏色的配搭,否則你整個人看起來會被衣服掩埋! 不過,總會有難以駕馭的造型。 6. 高級﹕寬鬆上衣 寬鬆上衣配裙褲有一定的難度,因為你需要些技巧帶出身材比例。稍一失手,你會看起來胖胖的,努力操練的身型亦都會消失人前。 如果你想挑戰難度,可以好好利用配飾﹕搭帶高跟鞋和束腰皮帶,足以完美拯救時尚災難。(如果你沒有這些飾物,至少你知道自己肉肉的肚腩安全地躲藏!) 7. 秘技﹕連身褲 假如你真的不擅長配搭造型,連身褲是你的好朋友! 你只需要穿上連身褲,就可以隨時出門!最適合不想傷腦筋,又想打扮得美美的你!我們建議你可以同時擁有連身裙褲和普通裙褲。衣櫃單品永遠不會嫌多! 你會如何配搭裙褲?立即在下面留言讓我們知道你的穿搭技巧! Continue reading 輕鬆穿出氣質﹕5個裙褲穿搭點子

How To Steal Your Boyfriend’s Style

Borrowed-from-the-boys chic. Original Content from Nica Dobles Thread PH Looking for a way to switch up your style? Try taking a cue from your boyfriend (or brother or dad or guy friend) — you’d be surprised how casually chic borrowed-from-the-boys pieces can look. Read on for our guide on taking some style notes from the guys! Boyfriend Jeans TOPSHOP Moto Mid Blue Ripped Mom Jeans | Superdry … Continue reading How To Steal Your Boyfriend’s Style

The Misleading 50/50 Relationship

Time to stop keeping score Original Content from Patricia Ong Thread PH Photo by Mahkeo on Unsplash As humans who are constantly striving for equality in the workplace and society, it’s common to fall into the trap of wanting a 50/50 split when it comes to relationships as well. A lot of people think that each partner should contribute equally in order for a relationship to work. … Continue reading The Misleading 50/50 Relationship

BEAUTY QUICKIE: Is Your Skin Dry or Dehydrated? (Yes, there’s a Difference!)

Original Content from Thread SG Photo by Francesca Hotchin on Unsplash Did you know that there is a difference between having dry skin and dehydrated skin? The basic difference is that dry skin requires more oil while dehydrated skin needs more water. Two different solutions for two very different skin conditions. Countering either of them with the wrong solution is not only futile, but may also … Continue reading BEAUTY QUICKIE: Is Your Skin Dry or Dehydrated? (Yes, there’s a Difference!)

BEAUTY QUICKIE: 3 Makeup Products You Need for Hot Weather

Original Content from Thread SG It’s hard to keep your makeup on all day in sunny Singapore. What with the humidity and heat, we not only have to contend with frizzy or limp hair (depending on your hair type), but also perspiration — endless perspiration. Sometimes, even before you’ve stepped into the office, your makeup has already melted off! To counter this problem, here are some melt-proof … Continue reading BEAUTY QUICKIE: 3 Makeup Products You Need for Hot Weather

Style Hacks: Dressing For The Short Girl

Who Say’s You’re Too Short? Original Content from Bea Punzalan Thread PH Photo by Brooke Cagle Don’t worry. I feel your pain. Standing at about 4 feet nothing (okay, kidding), I’ve been on the shorter side of the scale all my life. I can rarely buy clothes off the rack, I can’t reach shelves because they’re all just way too high, and worst of all, culottes … Continue reading Style Hacks: Dressing For The Short Girl