6 Signs The Chemistry Is Real

Original Content from Bea Punzalan THREAD PH It’s more than the movies. Despite what our favorite rom-coms tell us all about couples, they’re not always entirely true. In fact, it’s much more complex and deeper than “finishing each other’s sentences” or that picture-perfect romance we see in movies. Oftentimes couples aren’t even perfectly alike. Some are even complete opposites, but you know what? It works. Finding … Continue reading 6 Signs The Chemistry Is Real

Beauty 101: Shower Skincare Tips Every Woman Should Know

Original Content from Thread SG We put in extra effort to get a smooth, radiant, youthful complexion. But do you pay equal attention to the rest of your body? Getting soft, supply skin can start with good shower practices. Look your best with these few savvy shower tips: 1. Don’t Get Too Hot! Showering in piping hot water can strip the skin of its natural oils … Continue reading Beauty 101: Shower Skincare Tips Every Woman Should Know

The 10 Types of People You Meet on Dating Apps

Original Content from Joyce Chua Thread SG We’re living in an unprecedented age of dating apps and the ever-shifting landscape of the dating minefield. We now have more choices than ever, more opportunities to meet various specimens of our preferred sex — all within reach of our phones. That should make things easier, right? Not so much. (But that’s a story for another day.) If nothing else, … Continue reading The 10 Types of People You Meet on Dating Apps

Beauty 101: Skincare Tips for Every Decade of Your Life

Original Content from Thread SG Photo by Matthew Kane on Unsplash The quest for clear, healthy, radiant skin doesn’t end even when we’re well past puberty. While we had to contend with pimples — and for some of us, acne — during our teenage years, there isn’t a point when we are finally done with all that and finally, magically, get gorgeous skin. It is an ongoing quest, one that … Continue reading Beauty 101: Skincare Tips for Every Decade of Your Life

Easy Ways to Stay Fit on Vacation

Original Content from Thread SG It’s hard to stay motivated and disciplined in sticking to your fitness regime when you’re on vacation. After all, you might think, you’re on holiday — surely you deserve some down time! Certainly, you do. You earned that break. But straying too far from your workout routine means you’ll find it even harder to jump back into it after you return from … Continue reading Easy Ways to Stay Fit on Vacation

After-Work Stress Relief for the Hardworking You

Time for beauty after hours. Original Content from Bea Punzalan, THREAD PH Coming home after eight hours at work or in school can leave you feeling absolutely exhausted. It’s tempting to just call it a night the moment you get home and head straight for your bed — sometimes you just can’t help it, we know, but it’s something you should avoid as much as possible. Neglecting to … Continue reading After-Work Stress Relief for the Hardworking You


Original Content from sunnyday Thread TW 圖片來源:Alvaro Reyes (Unsplash) 一年一度的母親節又來了!平常羞於對媽媽表達愛意的你,是時候好好表現一番了。雖然說送禮不一定得在母親節,但既然是365天裡唯一讚頌母親的節日,那就送一份打動媽媽的禮物,讓母親大人笑開顏吧~ 如果你覺得送康乃馨沒新意,送蛋糕又怕媽媽血糖飆高,不妨參考以下5種貼心的母親節禮物,說不定就此找到送禮靈感呢! 貴婦Spa via Unsplash 年紀漸長,容易感到疲乏的媽媽,還要經常為家事勞動奔波,真是辛苦了!母親節這一天,拉著她的手一起上養生館,享受奢華的SPA和按摩,讓平日的家庭主婦當一日的貴婦,相信她一定會大讚這貼心的安排! 如果經濟狀況允許,也可買一台按摩椅,讓母親全身舒壓放鬆。 貼心家電 via Pexels 平日都是媽媽一手包辦全家大小事務,趁著母親節的來臨,買個實用的家電幫忙分擔一下家務吧!智慧型打掃機器人是一個不錯的選擇,整個清潔過程都不需要人力,省力又省時,讓母親大人有更多的休息時間。 覺得清潔機器人有點小貴的話,可買吸塵器代替。 美麗驚喜 via Unsplash 說到送禮,一套精緻的保養品幾乎是零失誤!不知道媽媽會喜歡什麼,買她平日愛用的保養品較保險;如果想給媽媽驚喜,那就買適合她的高級保養品吧~(前提是要測試一下會不會過敏) 健康最重要 via Unsplash 我們常說「父母的健康是子女最大的幸福」,這句話說得一點也沒錯!讓母親一直都健健康康是每個子女的心願,送上保健食品讓媽媽調理好身體,這樣我們也可以在外頭安心打拼。 小小建議:可依母親的年齡和營養需求選擇保健品。要注意營養素是否重疊,避免過量攝取。 久違的陪伴 via Unsplash 你有多久沒回家了?是不是一直在忙於工作,常忘了打電話回家關心媽媽?趁著母親節,回家一趟看看她吧!再貴重的禮物都比不上你的陪伴,試想想媽媽看到你回家時的笑容,那可不是努力工作能賺回來的。 祝大家母親節快樂~ 注:所有圖片均取自網絡 Continue reading 世上只有媽媽好!母親節5大感恩禮物推薦

5 Sports Outfits for Your Beach Workout

Original Content from Daniel Loy Thread SG Besides a glimpse into the horizon and waves that calm your mind, the beach is arguably the best place for a workout day. Before you gear up and head down to the nearest coast, check out our handy guide to the right sportswear for the shore. Leaps Ahead Why confine your circuit training to the studio when it’s … Continue reading 5 Sports Outfits for Your Beach Workout

5 Ways to Mix & Match Your Culottes

Original Content from Alicia Chiang Thread SG If you don’t already own a pair of culottes, you need to re-evaluate your fashion choices. There’s so much to love about culottes. Comfortable, chic and a total statement maker, culottes are essentially cropped wide-legged trousers that resemble a midi skirt when you put your knees together. The difficulty lies in getting your proportions right (petite girls, we feel … Continue reading 5 Ways to Mix & Match Your Culottes

Trend Tutorial: Modern Western

It’s the wild, wild best. Original Content from Nica Dobles Thread PH Photo by Omar Lopez/Unsplash Calvin Klein made a splash last season with color blocked shirts and cowboy boots; with labels like Isabel Marant, Coach, and Chloé jumping in on the trend in their Fall 2018 collections, the Western aesthetic is having a moment.. If you’re worried about it being too costume-y, 2018’s take on … Continue reading Trend Tutorial: Modern Western

5 Effortless In-Flight Beauty Tips

Original Content from Chan Wei Yin Thread SG Source: Shutterstock Want to step off the plane looking refreshed after a long flight, but don’t want to bring too much on board? These five easy tips using only minimal products will leave your face looking radiant before landing: 1. Keep your face hydrated At 30,000 feet up in the sky, the dry air is bound to wreak … Continue reading 5 Effortless In-Flight Beauty Tips

The Beginner’s Guide to Double Cleansing

The surprisingly easy K-Beauty routine that’s backed by science Original Content from Nica Dobles, THREAD PH Photo by xing cheng I’ll admit, I was skeptical when I first heard about the double cleanse. As someone who struggles with oily skin, the idea of putting more oil on my face sounded like a recipe for disaster. But reading up on the routine convinced me. The science behind it … Continue reading The Beginner’s Guide to Double Cleansing

Spring Colors You Should Be Wearing Right Now

Spring is in! Original Content from Bea Punzalan, THREAD PH As we all know, Miranda Priestly, the queen of The Devil Wears Prada, has strongly emphasized that florals is a thing of springs past. It’s time for us to let go of that easy fashion staple (or at least level it up) to welcome spring. Let’s think big and go beyond florals and try to incorporate … Continue reading Spring Colors You Should Be Wearing Right Now

Trend Tutorial (Office Edition): From Work to Play

Original Content from Thread SG Because the question of what to wear to work comes back to haunt us every day from Monday to Friday, we’ve decided to put together a guide on how to throw together an outfit that is 9-to-5 appropriate. And just to be clear, office-appropriate doesn’t mean boring or stuffy. Whether your office conservative, sophisticated, or casual and creative, here are … Continue reading Trend Tutorial (Office Edition): From Work to Play

Where to Go Based On Your Travel Personality — Part 1

Original Content from Thread SG If you’re planning your next trip but are not sure where to go, here’s how you can find out. By determining your travel personality type, you can pick destinations better suited for you. And don’t worry if you think you’re hard to define — there is a trip for every personality type out there. So find the ideal trip for your personality … Continue reading Where to Go Based On Your Travel Personality — Part 1

5 Tried-and-Tested Tips for Perfectly Styled Hair

Original Content from Daniel Loy Thread SG Ever stepped out of the house looking on point but somehow feeling that your hair’s less than perfect? We’ve all been there, and guess what, it’s a situation you can totally avoid. Set aside some time and effort to style your hair, and be rewarded when you get people’s attention wherever you go. Follow these tips and you … Continue reading 5 Tried-and-Tested Tips for Perfectly Styled Hair

Maternity Style Guide: How to Own Your Baby Bump in Style

Original Content from Thread SG pexels.com If you’ve been trying to figure out your pregnancy outfits, you’ve probably scrolled through endless Instagram feeds of pregnant celebrities or social influencers who flaunt their baby bump with style showing their glowing happy faces everywhere they go. No matter where they go, they seem to always be able to keep their looks fun,stylish and effortless. If you are … Continue reading Maternity Style Guide: How to Own Your Baby Bump in Style

How to Fight Dry Skin When Travelling

Original Content from Thread SG It’s no secret that being stuck in a high-pressure cabin at high altitudes wreaks havoc on our skin. The lack of humidity has us boarding fresh-faced and disembarking looking tired and dull. Fortunately, there’s a way to stay hydrated and moisturised when you fly. With these tried-and-tested tips, you can step off the plane looking and feeling refreshed: Prep Your Skin … Continue reading How to Fight Dry Skin When Travelling

How To Nail The Korean Street Wear Look

Original Content from Sreya Sanyal Thread SG We revere our K-Pop stars for several reasons, one of them being their impeccable airport style. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to break the bank if you want to adopt their grungy yet feminine aesthetic. K-Pop idols are just like us — for them, comfort is key. Which is why their travel essentials consist of items such as … Continue reading How To Nail The Korean Street Wear Look