Style Staple: The Maxi Dress

5 maxi dress styles you should try Original Content from THREAD PH Photo by Pete Bellis/Unsplash Maxi dresses are known to be summer staples, but this effortless piece can take your wardrobe to a whole other level all year long. Providing more coverage than your standard dress, but enough breeze and flow for warm weather, these dresses should be your go-to uniform if you want a … Continue reading Style Staple: The Maxi Dress

9 Skincare Mistakes You Might Be Making

You might be doing more harm than good! Original Content from Thread SG Photo by Isabell Winter on Unsplash One thing the beauty world is obsessed with right now is skincare. Every individual has a personal journey when it comes to skincare since what might work for one might have different results for another. Your skin is the largest organ on your body and taking care of … Continue reading 9 Skincare Mistakes You Might Be Making

EXPLORER SPIRIT: Banana Republic’s Fall/Winter 2018 Collection

Original Content from THREAD SG Known for its quintessentially American style, Banana Republic presents its new collection this season with a stronger focus on versatile fabrics and timeless designs. The Fall/Winter 2018 collection is the epitome of the modern American style, and its new campaign exalts “a life with no boundaries”. The collection revives classic, well-loved styles with a modern twist while maintaining its legacy … Continue reading EXPLORER SPIRIT: Banana Republic’s Fall/Winter 2018 Collection


Original Content from Thread SG 誰不想要健康、容光煥發的肌膚? 然而,保持肌膚有光澤並不是件容易的事。 無論是長久以來積累所得或是一直存在,不少人都被黯淡膚色的問題困擾。 事實是,有各種因素都會導致皮膚暗沉。 好消息是,這個問題可以糾正。 所以,如果你想讓自己肌膚散發光彩,就看以下的tips吧! 常飲水 雖然是老生常談,但依然值得強調。 如果你的H2O攝入量不足夠,皮膚會誠實告訴你。 不僅僅是當你發現皮膚失去自然光澤時才做,反而應每天堅持喝推薦的8至12杯水。 充足睡眠 睡眠不足是導致皮膚暗沉的另一個主要原因。 當身體疲勞時,皮膚得到較少適當的血液流量和/或所需氧氣。 這會導致發炎、黑眼圈和就像你一樣疲憊的肌膚。 花時間去角質 這是絕對不應跳過的一步。 去角質通過去除死皮細胞,令皮膚更有活力,從而擁有清新和健康的肌膚。 考慮氣候因素 暗沉肌膚的最大元兇就是環境侵害,如空氣污染、紫外線和雾霾等。我們所能做的就是保護好皮膚。 這些污染物會促進氧化並分解膠原蛋白,導致皮膚失去光澤。 因此,持續的護膚習慣至關重要。 最重要的是,每天都要用防曬霜,並在飲食中加入維他命C,令皮膚吸飽營養。 保持心境平和 壓力除了對我們內裡產生負面影響之外,也會浮出水面顯露在外。 時刻在緊張狀態會阻礙血液流動,令氧氣未能輸送到皮膚。 為了緩解緊張,可以嘗試在臉上冷敷,或者給自己一個快速而有效的按摩,特別注意你的太陽穴、下顎和眼眶。 常塗保濕霜 除了每天喝8到12杯水補充水分外,你的皮膚還需要一些額外的水分。 因此,請記住每天至少塗一次保濕霜,若想肌膚煥發光彩,塗兩次就最好不過了。 READ MORE: Continue reading 美容快遞:肌膚暗淡無光?恢復煥彩美肌的秘訣就在這裡!

AROUND THE WORLD: Travel Destinations for the INFP

The Creative Seeker craves connection with the world. Original Content from Thread SG Not sure where to go next? Perhaps your Myers-Briggs personality might give you a clue. Each of the sixteen personality types is purported to behave in ways true to their temperament, and this influences their travel personality too. In this series, we dedicate a feature to each personality type. Whether you’re an INFJ … Continue reading AROUND THE WORLD: Travel Destinations for the INFP


Translated from Thread SG Photo by Thien Dang on Unsplash 你ready好迎接韓國最新美容趨勢了嗎?有留意韓國美妝的,應該聽過前些年留行的「玻璃肌」(glass skin),但現在已經out了!現時最hit的美肌狀態是無雲肌,快來了解一下吧! 所謂無雲肌不僅追求潔淨無瑕的膚色(如萬里無雲的晴朗天空),同時亦講究富有健康感的光澤肌。 以下就為大家介紹如何擁有無雲肌: 1. 美容覺不是迷思 第一步由自己開始! 如果你對皮膚暗沉感到困擾並嘗試了各種美白產品,但往往都失望,那很有可能是因為睡眠不足。 有趣的事實:當你睡覺時,會有更多的血液循環到你臉部,有助你一覺醒來容光煥發。 2. 鎖水和保濕 此乃實現無雲肌的基本步驟! 與韓國其他美肌趨勢大同小異,鎖水和保濕是達致完美肌膚的關鍵。 有趣的事實:你知道鎖水和保濕是兩回事嗎? 鎖水有助keep住肌膚水分,而保濕則是為肌膚增加水分。 3. 護膚 市面上的面膜有很多種,總有一款合你心水,而且面膜絕對有助打造水潤美肌。 有趣的事實:大多數人不知道,面膜有六種 — 泥面膜、去角質面膜、溫泉面膜、乳霜面膜、精油面膜和天然成分的面膜。 4.永遠不要skip防曬霜 防曬霜很重要! 防曬霜不僅有助防止臉部膚色不均和長色斑,還可以減緩生皺紋。 有趣的事實:SPF 30的防曬霜並不能提供比SPF 15防曬霜多兩倍的保護。 你對這個新的韓國美容趨勢有什麼想法? 你願意嘗試嗎? 請在下面的評論區留言告訴我們! Continue reading 最新韓國美肌潮流:無雲肌!


Translated from Thread SG 首先,大家要知道 jumpsuits 和 rompers 是完全兩個概念。 Jumpsuits 是連身長褲,而rompers 是連身短褲。連身長褲比較百搭、High Fashion而且能夠修飾身形,相對來說出錯機率比較低;但要成功carry連身短褲,則要考驗你的「功力」。 如果你對如何駕馭連身短褲毫無頭緒,請緊記以下原則:若想散發優雅自信和幹練的氣息,入手成人連身短褲時記得選擇有剪裁及質感的款式。 以下是一些小秘訣: 高級優雅就是時尚 Something Borrowed Belted Sleeved Wrap Romper 對於透明單薄質料和長度超短的款式(例如長度只夠遮蓋臀部),請敬而遠之。相反,應選擇質地上乘的布料,如花呢羊毛或牛仔布而製的流線型設計。 搭配鞋時,請避免予人不修邊幅感的人字拖鞋類,轉而選擇靴子或高跟鞋。 ESPRIT 露肩牛仔連身褲 適合自己年齡的設計 MDSCollections Striped Drawstring Ruffle Romper 連身短褲之所以難掌握得好,是因為一個不小心很容易會讓人覺得你裝嫩。要選擇款式比較成熟的連身短褲,除了考慮裙擺之外,還可以選擇有袖的款式。 至於質地方面,具有層次感又有光澤的資料如緞面,是個不錯的選擇。 此外,單色或佈滿印花,如經典條紋,絕對是不敗款,安全又時髦。 細節定成敗 NOBASIC White Bell Sleeve Crochet Romper 要參加華麗又休閒的活動,一件帶有高級感裝飾,如蕾絲或滾邊的連身短褲足以令整體造型精緻十足。配搭一條貼合腰部的腰帶,再加一對繫帶高跟鞋和啞光唇妝,打造休閒華麗感。 Something Borrowed Military Romper 採用有質感和挺實的面料而製的連身短褲非常有型。若含有軍裝元素,如肩章、口袋和腰帶,絕對為整條褲加分。 你對駕馭連身短褲有何想法? 在下面的評論區分享你的心得吧! READ MORE : Continue reading 時尚快遞:1招教你駕馭連身短褲


Translated from Thread SG 相信佔據着人氣顏色寶座最長時間的,非黑色莫屬。然而,色彩繽紛的服裝和配飾依然有不可取代的地位。彩虹驕傲月(Pride Month)固然會過去,但今季時尚界似乎特別青睞鮮豔的顏色,無論是上下衣、泳衣或飾物,都可見其踪影。 當你已經穿慣了百搭的中性色,例如黑、白、灰和米色,你可能發現自己很難踏出comfort zone。要駕馭今個夏天大熱的彩色而不失自己風格,其實有一個秘訣,就是整理一下你的基礎款單品。 當你穿著最基本的穿搭,比如白色T恤和牛仔褲,即使只加一條彩色圍巾或大耳環,也能瞬間點亮你整個造型。 只需保持簡約的搭配,你就會驚喜地發現彩色元素的好玩之處 。 如果你想玩彩色玩到風生水起,不妨留意以下幾個選擇: 連身裙 香港一年四季天氣炎熱佔大多數,所以不妨考慮穿一抹鮮豔的色彩,例如色彩斑斕的連衣裙,配以一對繫帶高跟鞋,點綴整體造型。 TOPSHOP Paradise Plunge Maxi Dress | MISSGUIDED Wrap Over Striped Mini Dress 鮮色混搭 顏色好玩的地方在於mix & match。法國的潮流達人Camille Charriere 就親身示範如何把相撞的顏色搭襯出時髦的造型(提示:布料至關重要),以行動打破法國女人不穿有色彩衣物的迷思。 River Island A-Line Mini Skirt | Cotton On Freddie Tie-Front Blouse | TOPSHOP Ctj Yellow Denim Zip Up Skirt 泳衣 一提到泳衣,你可以毫無限制地選擇色彩鮮豔的款式。不妨模仿一下法國時尚女孩Jeanne Damas的造型, 一身綠色波點掛頸連身泳衣,散發青春又復古的氣息。 Superdry Tropic Surf Swimsuit | Billabong Sol Searcher One Piece Swimsuit 飾物 … Continue reading 時尚快遞:彩虹色來襲成為大勢


不可不知的大熱經典牛仔必備品 Translated from THREAD PH Photo from Unsplash 牛仔在時尚界一直深受各方愛戴,由高端品牌到「潮牌」,每季中總有幾件推陳出新的牛仔單品。因此,牛仔單品如外套和緊身牛仔褲出錯機率很低,任何不同體型或膚色的人都可輕鬆carry。 所以說,偶爾混搭一下各種牛仔單品也是個不錯的選擇。快來看以下8款牛仔單品,配搭出自己風格的牛仔style,上傳令人驚艷的#ootd! 1. 間條邊牛仔褲 先將沉悶的舊緊身牛仔褲放到一邊,不妨嘗試一下比較破格和街頭風的間條邊牛仔褲。這款牛仔褲借鑒了流行的運動褲的設計,但對比起運動褲,間條邊牛仔褲比較適合上學穿著(甚至上班穿著,當然要似乎你公司的dress code)。 TOPSHOP Moto Side Stripe Jamie | MISSGUIDED blue Sinner Floral Badge Stripe Side Mom Jeans | River Island Blue Casey Side Stripe Slim Fit Jeans 2. 粉嫩系牛仔褲–LpJHvov/?utm_source=ig_embed 經典的緊身牛仔褲又有多一個玩法── 今次是粉嫩系!淺粉紅色、紫丁香色、檸檬綠色和海藍色只是眾多粉彩色系中的幾個經典例子,有興趣的話不妨發掘下,大膽嘗試其他顏色。 MANGO Low Waist Mery Jeans | TOPSHOP Moto Lilac Lace Up Leigh Jeans | Cotton On High Rise Relaxed 90’s Jeans 3. 雙色半截裙 … Continue reading 如何緊貼牛仔潮流?

French Beauty 101: 5個使用卸妝潔膚水的好處

Translated from THREAD SG 我們一直對法國女性的美容日常趨之若鶩,全因她們做起來如此輕鬆,而且不必怎麼花心思維繫。 所以,當我們發現她們護膚的秘密是卸妝潔膚水時,我們就像發現新大陸一樣,激動得情不自禁。這個產品是否就是法國女性膚質水潤不油膩的原因?難道這就是為何法國女孩能夠坦蕩蕩地說自己沒有使用很多護膚品在臉上的因由? 由此可見,如果你希望簡化你的護膚程序,但又不想跳過任何一個步驟,那麼你可能會想試一下用卸妝潔膚水。 以下就讓我們介紹一下這款方便又萬能的卸妝水: 什麼是卸妝潔膚水? 卸妝潔膚水含有micelles,而這種因子就像許多微型海綿組成一樣,助你分解皮脂,污垢和化妝品,同時溶解雜質並為皮膚補水,這就是卸妝潔膚水比我們用來洗臉的自來水更有效的原因。 事實上,卸妝潔膚水會風靡法國的原因是巴黎的水對皮膚異常刺激,但溫和的卸妝潔膚水則不會抽乾皮膚的油份或在洗臉時刺激到皮膚,因此自然更受法國人追捧。 Bioderma Micellar Water from ZALORA 卸妝潔膚水之所以大行其道自然有其原因,而且理由相當充分: 超級易使用 縱觀所有護膚產品,要數最容易使用的莫過於卸妝潔膚水。只需將化妝棉沾濕,擦拭臉部、眼睛和嘴唇即可清潔和卸妝。而卸眼妝的話,只要輕閉雙眼,將化妝棉敷在上面幾秒鐘,然後擦掉。完成!你甚至不用沖洗,就能輕易卸妝。 此外,卸妝潔膚水適用於所有皮膚類型,特別是乾燥、敏感或易長粉刺的皮膚。 2. 多功能 對於經常化妝但下班回家後累得只想直接省略所有晚間護膚程序的了來說,卸妝潔膚水絕對是你的恩物。 與其分別使用卸妝水和爽膚水,倒不如節省時間直接使用卸妝潔膚水。只要在床頭櫃常備一瓶,每天只要花少許功夫就能徹底卸妝,何樂而不為? 3. 去旅行方便攜帶 你不需要用水就能用卸妝潔膚水卸妝,可謂旅行必備護膚品。只需帶上一瓶和化妝棉,即可隨時隨地潔膚。尤其機艙裡的空氣非常乾燥,在長途飛行後使用卸妝潔膚水來喚醒肌膚,然後使用深層補水保濕霜,就能令你容光煥發。 4. 便於運動後極速卸妝 在做完激烈的gym後,清潔好皮膚以防止汗水堵塞毛孔至關重要。 卸妝潔膚水能又快又有效的清潔臉部。 分開裝起一個小瓶子並長期存放在健身包裡,如此便可「免沖水」就地清洗乾淨,方便快捷。 5. 不同效用,適合各種膚質 並非所有卸妝潔膚水的功效都一樣的, 尋找最適合你膚質的才能事半功倍。一些是保濕和舒緩;一些是淨化和控油,有些強效淨化的甚至防水妝都能卸。Well,所以說卸妝潔膚水簡直是神奇的存在。 你已經在使用卸妝潔膚水了嗎? 它還有其他好處嗎? 快來下面的評論區分享你的想法! Continue reading French Beauty 101: 5個使用卸妝潔膚水的好處

5 Key Wardrobe Staples You Need For Summer

Original Content from Thread SG We’ve all experienced that moment before — standing before our closet, staring blankly at our racks and piles of clothes, and declaring melodramatically, “I have nothing to wear!”. And particularly in a tropical climate like ours, it can be difficult to figure out what to wear other than a t-shirt and shorts. But really, all you need are some key pieces for … Continue reading 5 Key Wardrobe Staples You Need For Summer

6 Small Changes to Make For Overall Wellness

Original Content from Thread SG While the term “healthy living” may typically bring to mind dieting and working out every day, all it really means is to find a balance. We can go on intense fad diets and do HIITs every day (good luck to your joints), but we’re just going to end up crashing in less than a month. The human body just isn’t … Continue reading 6 Small Changes to Make For Overall Wellness

How to Find the Perfect Jeans For Your Body Type

Original Content from Thread SG We all know the power of a great pair of jeans. It can instantly transform our outfit and our mood, making us look more polished and feel more confident. However, finding that special pair of jeans can be tough for those of us not built like a supermodel. There’s no magical pair that works for all of us like in … Continue reading How to Find the Perfect Jeans For Your Body Type


Original Content from Thread SG Photo by Joshua Stannard on Unsplash Venice, the charming capital of northern Italy’s Veneto region, was built on over 100 small islands in a lagoon in the Adriatic Sea. The ancient city has no roads, only canals — including the famous Grand Canal — that are lined with awe-inspiring Gothic and Renaissance architecture. A vacation in Venice will undoubtedly give any culture and history buff … Continue reading JETSETTER, TRENDSETTER: Venice Vacation

BEAUTY QUICKIE: Skincare Regimen for Oily Skin

Original Content from Thread SG Photo by Bennie Lukas Bester from Pexels Oily skin is a fairly common skincare problem many people face well past puberty. It’s often caused by several factors, including diet, stress, climate, and genetics. Oily skin is essentially what happens when sebum production increased, resulting in clogged and enlarged pores. If you’re contending with oily skin, good news: with the right products … Continue reading BEAUTY QUICKIE: Skincare Regimen for Oily Skin

STYLE QUICKIE: How to Pull Off Crop Tops in Any Body Shape

Original Content from Thread SG Crop tops, though a trending summer wardrobe staple, are probably one of the most anxiety-inducing things to wear. Many women worry that their body type are not suitable for crop tops and thus shy away from them. We say, the clothes are meant to suit us, not us to it. And so we have devised ways for any body shape … Continue reading STYLE QUICKIE: How to Pull Off Crop Tops in Any Body Shape

Beyond Basics: 5 Brands That Do Prints Right For the Guys

Original Content from Daniel Loy Thread SG Imaxtree Streetwear It’s out with the plain and in with the prints in the world of men’s fashion trends. From tropical to floral and even abstract designs, the dudes are killing it in hits of colour right now. Whether it’s next to lush greenery or the blue waters by the riviera, prints are perfect for summer and add … Continue reading Beyond Basics: 5 Brands That Do Prints Right For the Guys


Translated from Thread SG 相信各位都曾經對以下這個場景似曾相識:站在衣櫃前,茫然地盯著堆積如山的衣物,然後必然是喊出一句「根本沒衣服好穿……」尤其我們身於熱帶區域,似乎除了短袖T恤及短褲外,已經難以想到其他選擇。 但事實上,你只需要入手幾件必備單品,問題就可以迎刃而解,尤其當你懶得搭配時,這幾件單品可能是你的「懶人包」。以下推介的幾件衣物不但輕易駕馭、時髦和百搭,同時亦能助你抵抗炎炎夏日,令你可以巧妙搭配不同look之餘keep住清爽。 恤衫連身裙 J.Crew Maribou Mixy Striped Shirt-Dress 一條恤衫連身裙可謂夏天不可劃缺的單品,配以啡色腰帶、木質厚底鞋、貓眼太陽眼鏡和一個織布銀包或側孭袋。若果厭自己衣著太悶無亮點,可以考慮有花紋及色彩較繽紛的配飾,例如搭配鮮豔印花的頸巾或鞋等。 白恤衫 經典的扣鈕恤衫其實並非你想像中那麼俗不可耐。一件設計新穎清新的白恤衫予人慵懶又優雅的感覺,絕非其他種類的衣服可以取代。配以一條富有夏日feel的短褲、緊身牛仔褲或煙管褲,既可以大show線條,又可以散發半休閒feel。 長裙 炎熱天氣下,一條長裙足夠舒適及點綴全身造型,因此配飾其實可免則免,簡單配以草編鞋以營造經典夏日造型。 若果覺得連身裙不是你那杯茶,可以試一下以一身白T恤搭配闊腳褲。你可能覺得闊腳褲不是你的style,但闊腳褲其實是裙褲和半截裙的混合體,尤其當你要去沙灘或公園,闊腳褲更是命定單品,讓你輕易打造一身波西米亞風look。 連身褲 Mango Floral Print Jumpsuit 與長裙相差無幾,連身褲既助你節省時間去搭配上下衣,又讓你整體造型和諧統一,更重要的是即使身處酷熱天氣下,身穿連身褲依然涼爽無比。即使入夜後氣溫有所下跌,簡單披上一件寬鬆外套足以保暖。 草編鞋 草編船跟鞋應當算是夏日非主流的選擇。若你要去沙灘或街上,可以考慮以草編船跟鞋搭配一條性感棉質連身裙或半截裙。 Continue reading 5件夏天衣櫃必備單品

4 Things Getting in The Way of Your Happiness

Original Content from Aini Shah Thread MY Everyone knows what makes them feel happy but it cannot be denied that there are some things that can get in the way of it all. Whether you realize it or not, even the smallest things can interfere with you achieving a positive life. If you feel that you need a break and turn your life into a … Continue reading 4 Things Getting in The Way of Your Happiness

This Season’s Top 5 Fashion Bestsellers — Men Edition

This season, as the months get warm, it is essential to know what to wear to stay in style. From coats to shorts, we have gathered the data to come up with the top 5 men fashion bestsellers. ITEMMS ZIP-UP BOMBER JACKET 01 C The bomber jacket has been holding the top spot for the men fashion bestsellers for quite some time now. Clearly its … Continue reading This Season’s Top 5 Fashion Bestsellers — Men Edition