5 Foods For PMS Relief

Mood swings, uncomfortable bloated feelings, cramps, these are just some of the symptoms that women have in the week or two leading up to their period. Premenstrual syndrome or PMS can include a range of physical and emotional changes, largely caused by fluctuating levels of hormones. That’s not to say that you can’t do anything about all those grouchy, unhappy feelings. Remember, you are what you eat (and drink), so conquer PMS with these 5 foods! Not only will you feel great, you will look great in whatever clothes you wear.

1. Broccoli

A staple for every nutritional diet out there, broccoli is full of the good things that help keep PMS at bay — minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium, and also vitamins A, B6, C and E. Vitamin A is known to help regulate the effects of fluctuating hormones during your period. And like all those green veggies with high dietary fiber, such as brussel sprouts and artichokes, eating broccoli actually helps to get rid of all that gas and puffiness, while helping to keep you free of constipation.

2. Eggs

Studies have suggested that having a diet rich in vitamins B6, D and E can help to get rid of symptoms of PMS. And eggs are a good source for those vitamins! Stay ahead of your hunger pangs and crazy cravings by starting your day off with an eggy breakfast, rich in protein and healthy fats, to keep yourself energised and satisfied.

3. Bananas

Go bananas with your diet, they are well-known to reduce PMS symptoms. Rich in potassium and vitamin B6, these help to reduce water retention and alleviate that pesky bloated feeling. You can have your bananas plain, mixed into a fruit salad or throw into yoghurt. But stay away from banana chips because those provide the same effects with those added sugar and fats.

4. Fishes

As we already know, having a diet that is rich in vitamin D reduces a lot of the dreaded PMS symptoms. It’s also important to note that our bodies cannot absorb calcium with the help of vitamin D, and it is important to get enough of both these nutrients. Some fishes, including salmon, mackerel, sardines and herring, are great sources of vitamin D. So go ahead and indulge in some fishy business and kiss PMS away. While it’s good to have more of them, remember that too much of a good thing can be bad too. There are certain toxins contained in fishes, such as mercury and pesticides, which may be deadly when consumed in excessive amounts.

5. Yoghurt

Speaking of calcium, a terrific way of getting that much-needed nutrient is by eating some low-fat or fat-free yoghurt. They are perfect for satiating those cravings for sweet stuff and also awesome as a high nutritious and filling snack. Other calcium-rich foods that you can indulge in include cheese, soy milk and low-fat milk. Research has shown that women have lower blood levels of calcium in the days leading up to their period, and adding some more calcium into diets can definitely reduce bloating and mood swings.

What are some other foods that you swear will relieve your PMS symptoms? Share them with us in the comments section below!

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