5 Inventions To Change The Future Of Fashion

Fashion is one of the few industries that relay on low-tech machinery, in comparison to other industries like publishing, marketing, advertising and education. Just look at the fashion industry! It still uses sewing machines, zippers and dyes. Most of which are inventions that have changed little over the centuries. But what has changed is the way in which garment have been produced and sold.

The time has come for fashion to undergo a revolution. Now is the time for smart fashion, to alter the ways we buy and wear clothes. Take a look at some ideas that could change the course of fashion:

1. “It’s getting hot in here!”

I am sure that we have this one thought multiple times a day: Singapore is humid, all day. What if there is a possibility for our clothes to regulate our body temperature to keep up comfortable all day long? Perhaps a high-tech t-shirt that is able to store excess body heat, only to release it when your body temperature drops? What about a shirt that lets you to feel great when going from cool, air-conditioned indoors to the warm, sunny outdoors, all thanks to moisture wicking properties? You will never complain about feeling too hot or too cold ever again!

2. “Dry house, wet clothes.”

Hate having to wring your swimwear dry? If you forgot to bring a plastic bag to keep your wet swimwear in, say goodbye to your bag and everything in it. The chlorine smell will stay for days. These days, nanotechnology is applied to swimwear by enhancing it. The fabric could dry quickly as easily as skin! How about applying this technology to our regular jeans and t-shirts? Life could be much more convenient! No need for driers or the fear of getting caught in the rain!

3. “On Wednesdays we wear pink.”

There are days when we simply cannot decide what colour to wear for the day. Or you regret your choice after leaving your house! This is where clothing that changes colour easily will be useful.

In case you did not know, colour-changing clothes do exist! How is this done? A flexible and thin, light-emitting device to create electronic display screens on every material imaginable! Think about the potential to alter the colour of your clothes at your whim and fancy. Think about how useful this will be for the fickle-minded who can never decide on just a color for shoes or shirts to buy!

4. “Out, damned spot!”

Like your clothes crisp and wrinkle-free? Ironing is the answer. Well, the lazy person in us will lament about this seemingly tiresome chore. But what if ironing was not the only option? If fabrics were treated with a chemical that makes your clothes wrinkle-free, that would make life so much easier! We can finally throw out that iron. Good riddance to that!

5. “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

A lot of us like our clothes to smell of our detergent. Clean and fresh is the way to go. Which is why when we go for barbecues, the smart plan would be to wear an old t-shirt or dress. Anything that you do not mind having the lingering stench of chicken wings and ‘sambal’ stingray on it. It is about time odour-resistant clothes are created. Think about it, odour-resistant coupled with anti-bacterial properties! Stay fresh all day long.

What other potential inventions can you think of that can change the way we buy, wear, and view clothes? Share your ideas in the Comments section below!

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