Become A Community Contributor!

Are you interested in contributing to ZALORA Community Hong Kong as a guest writer? Reach out to us!

Bring in your original stories, engaging ideas, gorgeous illustrations, creative designs and beautifully taken photos, and join in the Community of stylish, smart and fashion-loving writers here!

What we are looking for:

– Original pieces that engage and inspire — centered on either fashion, beauty, entertainment and lifestyle

– Diverse perspectives and topics

– Funny, smart and creative articles on topics that you are most passionate about — from celebrity news, current issues, literature, films, relationships, cooking, sports, motherhood, to music, travel and food… And the list goes on!

– Relatable stories that bind us as a community, in whatever medium that you are most comfortable with — lists, essays, videos, photos, illustrations, etc.

– Last but definitely not least, well-written and grammatically sound articles!

What we are NOT looking for:

– Commercial pieces that serve mainly to promote a person, product, brand or service

– Contributions that tread in dangerous religious or political waters

Are you in? Here is what you need to do:

Email us at with these details included:

– A brief (one paragraph) description of who you are and what kind of writing you do.

– Ideas you have for specific category(s) — fashion, beauty, entertainment, lifestyle

– A short description of your article idea (e.g. “a 400-word article on holiday”) in the body of the email

– A couple of writing samples (if any)

– Follow this format for the subject line: [COUNTRY] [CATEGORY] — [TITLE] — [AUTHOR NAME]

– OR if you already have a draft of your article, simply send it over to us in the same format and we will see if it’s a good fit!

So if you have some stories in mind, or just brimming with ideas on multiple topics, we would love to have you be a part of ZALORA Community Hong Kong! Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today. We look forward to having you on board!

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