Bring A Smile To Your Mom’s Face With These 5 Gifts!

I’m sure that the love and devotion we feel for our mothers will never diminish, but how often do we take the time to verbalize or display it? Luckily, Mother’s Day provides us with an opportunity, a 24 hour window for us to shower our mothers with generous doses of love and conspicuous displays of material affection. If you are scratching your head, still trying to figure out how exactly to brighten up the day for the most significant lady in your life, then continue reading this article.

1. Flowers and prose:

Which lady’s heart would not melt at the sight of a large bouquet of fresh, fragrant flowers? If you know your mum’s favourite flower, the task at hand is much easier. If not, here are some appropriate suggestions. Orchids represent nobility, integrity and elegance. Chrysanthemums indicate intellectual prowess, longevity and good fortune, and hydrangeas indicate express love and gratitude. You can choose to give her a bouquet of single flowers, or if you’re feeling extra generous, why not present her with a super bouquet of several varieties of flowers?

Slip a short literary verse (original composition only) inside the bouquet in any device of your choosing (limerick, blank verse, haiku, or most apt in this situation, an ode) into the bouquet. The subject should of course, be your mother. Even if your poetry cannot rival that of Poe’s, it will win your mother’s heart.

2. A book your mum will appreciate:

This one is even easier than her taste in flowers. Just take a quick glance at your mother’s bookshelf. Does she enjoy a riveting thriller? A good romance? Or does she lean more towards the intellectual side, such as an informative read on particle physics? Once you have determined what kind of a bibliophile your mother is, a trip to the bookstore is in order. If your mother’s bookshelf draws a blank, here are some alternative courses of action. What is your mother’s favourite hobby? Does she like to sing, dance or whip up some delicious brownies? Has she crocheted a sweater or two, or does she love to collect stamps? Give her a book based on her interests and hobbies. For specific titles, your neighbourhood bookstore is sure to have a list of recommendations.

Tip: If you are aware of your mum’s favourite book, visit thrift shops and vintage stores in order to find older or alternative versions of the box. Vintage bookstores often contain treasures, in the form of first edition prints or box sets.

3. A scrumptious meal:

For those of you who are fantastic chefs, you are in luck! The popular saying “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” is clearly erroneous, because women appreciate a hearty meal as well! Recreate your ma’s potluck roast, or her signature dessert which she made for you in your childhood, and watch her heart swell (well, figuratively not literally). If your culinary skills are negligible and you want your mother to enjoy a meal fit for a queen, do not waste a second more and make reservations at her favourite restaurant.

4. A mix-tape:

Thanks to the advent of technology, creating a mix-tape today will not require as much effort as it would have, if you were born two decades ago. However, your mother is not expected to be up to date with the new-fangled digital formats of thumb drives and iPods. Digital mix-tapes are definitely simpler to create, and require little to no effort. This time, go all out and create a cassette style mixtape of your mum’s favourite earworms. Countless Youtube tutorials will teach you how to do so. It may be the most tedious thing you have ever done, but nothing comes close to your mother relishing the sound of her beloved golden oldies on a dusty stereo player. How do you know which songs are closest to your mother’s heart? Think of all the tunes she hums, or the songs she taught you how to sing. Those will most likely be her most treasured tunes. Or better yet, ask her.

Tip: If you are hard pressed for time, buy her a vintage record version of her favourite album. Vintage turntables will probably never go out of style, so investing in one is definitely a wise choice.

5. A calendar:

You will need to rummage through family albums for this item. While doing so, select twelve photographs where your mother looks breathtaking- perhaps it’s her glowing skin or her million dollar smile. Bonus points if you are able to arrange the photographs in chronological order. Since it is unlikely your mum would be spending lengthy hours staring at a laptop screen, it is best to gift a hard copy, which she can admire and reminisce about in her own time. Maybe nostalgia will overcome her and she’ll tell you a story or two.

Standard Mother’s Day gifts come in the form of cards, perfumes, spas and candy boxes. This year, why not go the extra mile? The key to a good present is personalisation. Do you have any other great ideas for Mother’s Day gifts? Share them with me below!

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