Don’t Wave The White Flag Just Yet — Why White Shoes Are Here To Stay

The decision to put on a pair of squeaky white kicks should not be seen as something silly or misguided. Beyond practical concerns of keeping them in pristine colour, owning and incorporating white coloured footwear into your daily outfit is becoming increasingly popular. And rightfully so, since this highly versatile non-colour goes well with virtually anything from your wardrobe. And if that means I have to walk gingerly and avoid puddles of rainwater whenever I head out with my white sneakers, I think it is an inconvenience worth taking (at least for certain important events or when the weather holds up).

So for all you practical souls out there who aren’t embracing this new trend in shoe colour, here are some reasons why you should at least consider the white shoe.

1. Achieve minimalism
Let’s face it — you cannot build a true minimalist wardrobe without the quintessential colours of black, white and grey. This classic and time-tested colour combination can create sort of a yawn-fest, so update your clean and simplistic look with some white footwear instead. It adds a world of difference without have the need to compromise on your monochromatic aesthetic. Stand out from a crowd, even without the use of bright and garish colours.

2. As a pop of colour
As ironic as I might risk sounding, white sneakers can actually help to add some colour and break the monotony in your look. Far from looking uninteresting, these squeaky white kicks stand out in stark contrast to the grey gravel of the pavement or the green grass that you stand on, and work especially well in a when your clothes are of similar colours. Particularly so when you are donned in all black, it helps in creating a nice distinction that adds plenty of visual interest and effect.

3. Break up a loud top
You’ll want to achieve a balanced look with a statement top, and a great way to do so is with a white pair of shoes. The drama of your outfit is toned down a few notches with this conservative shoe choice, preventing you from looking like a goofy clown wearing too many things with clashing elements. This ultimately creates a more well-balanced look by keeping your outfit from looking too busy. White certainly is a good way to anchor a bold top.

4. Soften a look
A white coloured shoe looks much more softer as compared to a pair of heavy black footwear. But more than that, the clean colour also comes off as something more modern and chic, giving you the illusion of looking much lighter. Swop the usual and conventional dark tones for this lighter hue to add a hint of softness and casual to an otherwise serious and bold look. It is a great way to lighten up and stand out from the crowd.

Are you a fan of white footwear? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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