Know Your Fashion Inside Out — Interview With Disgust

Seen Disgust and wonder where she gets her fashion inspiration from? Well, we are in luck! We get an exclusive with Disgust as she tells us her daily routine, her beauty tips and if we are lucky, some fashion tips on her unique style.

Interview (I): Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to sit down and talk to us.
Disgust (D): The pleasure is ALL yours.

I: Oh..O-okay. What is a typical day for you?
D: Why are we even talking about a typical day? An ideal one would be where I don’t have to get pushed around in the MRT cabin, where I don’t get several ten cent coins in my change, god forbid if I get five cent coins and..

I: Maybe you could give your fans an idea about your fashion routine?
D: OH! Well I don’t have a routine. It just depends on my mood. I would wake up and start off with a shower. To get all the sleep grime off. Do you know how much bacteria you accumulate in your sleep?

I: No, not really.
D: A LOT. Anyway, I place a lot on cleanliness, because you know, germs. So a cleanser is important, along with an exfoliating scrub.

I: What is your favourite exfoliater?
D: Could you not interrupt? Well I was getting to that part. I like the sponge and for my face, I always use a cleanser with the micro beads.

I: Which fashion icon inspires you?
D: Me. Fashion comes from within. Not from some magazine that assumes they know what trends fit you best. Uh, hello! Have you seen my skin tone or my body shape? Of course, I would know what works for me. It has to be classy and comfortable. Comfort is a must. I hate those clothes with zips in the hard to reach places and don’t get me started on heels!

I: Which fashion item is a must-have for you?
D: Scarves.

I: Is there a reason why?
D: Why not?

I: I like your unique pairing of a dress with leggings. Why did you decide that combination instead of a maxi-dress?
D: Comfort, really.

I: What is one beauty tip you swear by?
D: That would have to be cleaning your make-up brushes. It is absolutely appalling to know that some people, *cough* *Joy* *cough*, uses a bacteria-filled make up brush for years without washing it or buying a new one! YUCK

I: How do you keep…
D: Thanks for this. I have to go now. Bye!

Well, that was our interview with Disgust who had to rush off due to a germ-related emergency.

Have some tips to share with Disgust? Post in the comments section!

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