Know Your Fashion Inside Out — Interview With Sadness

Last time we had a chat with Joy on her fashion inspirations and some beauty tips. Today, we sit down with Sadness to find out about what fashion means to her and how she rocks the winter look.

Interviewer (I): Hi Sadness, how are you doing today?
Sadness (S): Okay…I guess.

I: I really like your outfit today. Why do you like wearing turtlenecks?
S: People really overlook the classiness and simple elegance that a turtleneck provides. No it is not a contraption to block the air to my lungs. I really wish people would stop teasing me about that.

I: I see. So I know that you enjoy winter fashion. Why is that?
S: One word: Layers. Also, you can pretty much be comfortable in it. I don’t have to worry about having my legs or getting sun burnt shoulders.

I: What is one winter fashion item that you love?
S: Oh! That is easy! Leggings. So versatile, you know. I can use it with a blouse, a dress, or a skirt and accessorize with a bomber jacket. Add a scarf and a chunky necklace and voila! I am ready.

I: A lot of people say that you look like Welma form Scooby Doo. How do you take that?
S: They think I look like a two-dimensional character?! B-but, I am more than that!

I: No, what they meant is fashion-wise, is she your fashion icon?
S: Ohh…now I get what you mean. Well, we do have similar styles but I would never go for a colour that…cheerful.

I: So what colours would you go for?
S: Blues, greys, whites, blacks…The winter colours.

I: What is your beauty routine?
S: I usually start off with blusher. Need to get the rosy cheeks first.

I: If you were to give a friend a makeover, what is the one fashion style you would recommend?
S: Well, it really depends on the person’s preferences. I don’t want to impose my views on them. But if I have to do it, I guess I would get them started off in picking an outerwear. They can pick from a trench coat, cape, pea coat, duffle, blazer, parka or a leather jacket. Once an outerwear is chosen, we can work on the rest of the outfit from there.

I: Well, that is all the time we have.
S: Thank you for taking the time to talk to me.
I: No problem!

Got some ideas about winter trends you could use? Let us know in the comments!



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