Mad About Matte: How To Nail Your Matte Look

Source: Pinterest

The transformational power of lipstick is not to be underestimated-it takes just two swipes of colour to make or break your look. If you’re been wearing the same shade of chapstick for the last five years, it’s time to shake things up a bit. It’s time to get yourself acquainted with: matte lipstick.

Matte lipsticks have been around for a while, but has been gathering momentum since last year. Nearly every beauty brand has jumped onto the matte-wagon by releasing their own versions of the texture. We also have Kylie Jenner’s lip kits to thank for catapulting the movement into further spotlight. Before you too jump right in, hold your breath and read these tips on how to slay at applying matte lip-colour.

1. Exfoliation is key:

If your lips are as dry as the Sahara desert, matte finishes will make you look even drier. Use a dry toothbrush or a lip scrub to rid your kissers of any dry flakes and dead skin cells.

2. Moisturize:

To keep your lips feeling extra soft, apply a thin layer of lip balm. Be sure to do this prior to the application of lipstick, especially if your lipstick of choice happens to be liquid. Blot away any excess balm with tissue paper after having allowed the balm to set in for t five minutes.

3. Apply sparingly:

Do not apply a whole ton of product on your lips. Instead, scrape off the product from the inner rim of the tube and apply a thin layer on your lips. Most matte lipsticks are highly-pigmented, and you don’t need a ton of product in order to achieve full coverage. Gooping on excess product will result in patchy and cracked lips.

4. Beware of oil:

Matte liquid lipsticks have several super-powers, which include a lengthy staying power and transfer and smudge-proof qualities. Consider oil to be the kryptonite of matte lipsticks. While it may last through your tea break and chocolate bar snack, your matte lippie will definitely not survive your pizza party. The good news is that even oil does not have the power to completely obliterate your lipstick, so just be sure to lightly touch up on the areas where the color is completely gone.

Got any other Matte liquid lipstick brands you love? Do share with us in the Comments section!

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