Modelling After That Model Off Duty Look

There is nothing easy about being a model. There is a certain level of stress on them to look and stay glamorous all the time. But they don’t just look this good because of the couture pieces they don or the professional styling services they receive. When these models are off-duty and running about their errands, they still manage to stay effortless and chic in their humble clothes. While it might be hard to model after their runway looks, pining after their off-duty casual style is something much more doable and easy.

And when you’re an off-duty model taking a break, you’ll have a penchant for all things casual. These looks will have you in shorts or dresses that’ll expose you legs — giving them some breathing space while flaunting your hard work. So to pull off this casual and effortless look as though you’re jetting through go-sees, you’ll want to try out these simple leg exercises that keep them lean and runway ready.

1. Hip bridge
Lie on your back with your knees bent. Place your hands by your side with palms facing the ground to help balance your body. Rest your heels on the ground and angle you feet by lifting your toes off the ground. Next, raise your butt off the ground as well until your back is straightened. Hold this position for 1 second before lowering down.

2. Jump squats
Start by standing shoulder-width apart and your arms places at your side. Slowly lower your body into a squat position, about two-thirds down. After which, jump straight up with your arms pointing towards the ceiling. After you land, go straight down into the squat position and being the next repetition.

3. Chair squats
This is the perfect exercise to do wherever you are. Find yourself a chair and stand hip-width apart with your back facing the chair. Hinge your body forward and slowly lower your butt, almost as though you were sitting down. But pause right before you are fully seated and return to the standing position.

4. Forward bend
This seemingly simple exercise can really help tighten your quads. With you feet hip-width apart, hinge forward at your hips. Keep your knees slightly bent, bent your body over and reach for the floor. Slowly straighten your legs without locking your knees and keep your buds engaged.

What are some other exercises you like to do to help sculpt those model-esque legs? Let us know in the comments section below!

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