SKIN GUIDE PART 1 || 6 Ways to a Gorgeous Glow

We all desire it. Luminous skin that seems to radiate from all angles, from every direction. Glowing skin is something desired by many, and so much so that it’s big business! The beauty industry today is worth billions of dollars worldwide and many of their products are targeted to achieving a beautiful glow. What those industries may not realize, is that getting glowing skin is not just something you can attain by slathering on potions or lotions. Brightening creams are especially popular in Asia, but they can contain carcinogenic chemicals like hydroquinone. A more effective, and healthier, way to achieve beautifully glowing skin would be to take a more natural and non-invasive approach.

Check out below for the 6 ways to achieving glowing skin from the inside out.


Before you shower, take the short time to dry-brush your skin. This helps to move & drain toxins from lymph fluid, promoting cellulite-free skin. It also helps to reduce varicose veins by circulating stagnant blood. The results are a rosy, luminous, dimple-free skin in as little as 21 days with daily brushing. To boost the results, add the following step.


Sweating is a natural detoxification process that helps our body get rid of beauty-zapping toxins. Drawing out toxins will allow our skin to reveal a beautiful glow, not to mention drawing blood to the surface, which gives us a rosy glow. Try a dry sauna like Ganban Yoku or near-infrared saunas.


Nothing is more crucial for all our cells than staying hydrated. Clean spring water is especially wonderful because it provides skin and hair with beautifying minerals like silica, zinc, calcium, etc. You can also enhance your water with fulvic/humic mineral concentrate to get your daily dose of beauty minerals.


There are many essential oils that promote glowing skin. Geranium oil is an all-around fantastic beauty oil. Patchouli oil promotes glowing skin while also treating mild acne and minor wrinkles. Bergamot oil, a spicy Italian citrus, makes a great deep-cleansing oil for pores which you can add to your daily cleanser then wash off. All essential oils contain some amount of antioxidants, some much more than others, which get absorbed easily through pores.


Speaking of antioxidants, there are so many different kinds found in foods and oils that it’ll blow you away! Dark or brightly colored foods are a good indicator of antioxidant content. And just like those brightly-colored foods, you can expect the same to happen to your skin when you eat them. Here’s a nutrition tip. Combine the antioxidant vitamin C with collagen-rich foods to promote plump, wrinkle-free skin.


Glowing skin is moisturized skin. Dry skin means that light can’t bounce off and doesn’t look as appealing as fresh dewy skin. Eating fatty foods like avocados, mackerel and durian helps to balance out dryness and gives skin youthful suppleness.

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