Original Content From Toni Quiogue
If you’re bound and determined to rid your precious skin of blocked pores, here are some easy but effective tips and tricks.

In this case, blackheads are your enemy. Blackheads are basically clogged pores that are caused by a mishmash of sebum (a good-for-you oily substance produced by our body to protect our skin) and dead skin cells. When mixed together, they form a sort of “plug” that clogs pores. When exposed to air, oxidation occurs and gives it a black color.
Exfoliation is the cosmetic technique of getting rid of dead skin cells. When you exfoliate, you scrub away the dead skin cells that clog your pores, while revealing new and healthy skin cells. So to keep blackheads at bay, try to exfoliate once or twice a week.
Moisturizers hydrate your skin, making the appearance of pores less obvious. For better results, choose antioxidant infused moisturizers that not only hydrate the skin, but also aid in accelerating cell regeneration.
Pore strips do an incredible job of pulling out gross black-heads. Be careful not to over-do this though. Once or twice a week is OK. Anything more than that is just overkill and might potentially cause damage to your skin.
If any of the above methods still don’t rid your face of stubborn black heads, maybe it’s time you seek professional advice from favorite dermatologist. She might be able to prescribe you skin care products that you won’t find at your local drugstore.
Ultimately, the best offense is a good defense — so take good care of your skin. Do whatever it takes to keep your skin healthy. Start a skin care regimen. It doesn’t have to be overly complex or expensive. It could be as simple as washing your face at least twice a day. Removing your make-up before going to bed and wearing sunscreen. You’d be surprised at how simple steps such as these can go a long way in making your skin healthier and younger looking.
Have any other pore-fect solution for clogged pores? Feel free to share them in the comments section below!
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