Original Content from Alya Zul Thread MY

Hair plays an important role in our daily lives as it is like a “crowning glory” for ladies. Keeping your hair shiny and silky is not an easy task. Hair loss has been an issue that can affect woman’s confidence. However, hair fall between 50 to 100 strands hair each day is said to be a normal phenomenon. But, if more than that you really need to start worry. Here are some tips to prevent hair loss in women.
1. Follow a healthy lifestyle

Stress is one of the major factors of hair loss. Practice yoga or meditation can help you to ease stress and calm your mind. By exercising, it also allows sweat to clean your hair pores that might be clogged. Make sure to get your beauty sleep and do not stay up too late. This is also crucial in your hair health.
2. Take a proper diet

Take loads of vitamins and minerals in your diets as they can prevent hair loss to a great extent. Vitamin A help produce healthy sebum in your scalp as it is antioxidant. Whereas, vitamin B produce melanin that help impart a healthy colour to your hair. Don’t forget to stay away from junkfood!
3. Switch your shampoo

The reason for changing is that your hair will get used to the product and all the beneficial qualities will become useless. It is recommended to rotate you shampoo after one to three months, so that your hair’s natural chemical balance and will maintaining the balance of moisture in your hair.
4. Scalp massage regularly

Scalp massage help improves blood circulation to the head and face. Good circulation can promotes healthy hair growth. Essential oils such as lavender or rosemary can be use for the scalp massages. It is found that by using oil can prevent dandruff problems. Please keep in mind that you need a clean scalp that will prevent hair dandruff which is the cause of hair loss.
5. Avoid combing wet hair

Avoid combing wet hair immediately after you take a shower. This is because wet hair is very weak and prone to break. Wide-toothed comb should be used to comb your hair after it is dry. Instead of blow drying, try to let your hair dry naturally as often as possible. The heat from blow drying can cause damage to the hair.
However, it is advisable to consult a doctor to get a proper consultation before it worsens. After all, be kind to your hair. Now it’s your turn. What others tips that you think can prevent hair loss? Share your thoughts down below.