Types of Bags To Flatter Your Body Type

Ever wondered why women splurge on their handbags? Well, more than the actual outfit that we choose to wear, a bag is an accessory that we could use to either draw attention to our body or hide our flaws. It can be used to accentuate our incredibly stylish fashion choices or cover up our embarrassing fashion flops! So here is the thing! The choice of your bag can either be a hit or a miss. So if you want to nail your natural figure the right way, know the type of bags you should be carrying!

Here are 6 types of bags all sorted based on your body type.

1. Shoulder bags for the Pear shape

Most fashion know-hows usually tend to focus on either the apple shaped or the hour glass women. Although we are the most commonly found women here, little attention has been given to the pear shaped women. If you are a newbie to body shapes, a pear shaped body refers to a smaller bust and a larger bottom. Thus in order to balance out both the top and the bottom, a shoulder bag is your best bet! Adding details to the smaller part of the body is the easiest way to balance or enhance the variations of your natural body shape!

2. Bowling/Duffle bag for the Rectangle shape

For the women who is of a rectangle shape, a bowling hand handled bag is the way to go to bring in some curved details. This will soften the lanky feel of your body and make you look more feminine than you can already get!

3. Hobo bags for the Inverted triangle

The inverted triangle shaped women are the ones with broader shoulders and are a little wider on the top than the bottom. Thus to balance out the variating body silhouettes, try carrying a hobo bag that will give your lean bottoms some curves!

4. Satchel or long strapped bags for the Hour glass

Now, the hour glass women have been preached to have the best body shape of all the other types over the years of fashion history. They have been claimed to pull off anything. However, like any other body type the hourglass women have their own way of accentuating their body shape. The way to flatter an hourglass shaped body is neither the bust nor the bottoms but rather the waist! Enhance the variating shapes in your body by carrying a satchel or long chained bag that sits on your waist to accentuate your curves!

5. Hand handled bags for the Apple shape

The apple shaped women are the ones who are proud of their bust! With their natural curves taking dominance on the upper part of the body, you could balance out the smaller part of the body by adding more details to the bottom. Try carrying a hand handled structured bag to give your body a more poised and balanced look!

6. Purse sling for the petite woman

By the name of it, the petite sized women are the ones who are generally small on the whole and don’t quite have the problem of drastic differences in terms of the structure of their body. For such women who don’t fit entirely into a particular shape, try out a purse sling that matches your body size and keeps it balanced. Large shoulder bags are a no-go as they will hide your body and make it look shorter or smaller than what it already is!

7. Tote bags for the plus size woman

For the women who are proud of their curves but don’t quite fit into a specific body shape, then a tote bag is your perfect match! The tote bag has a sharp structure that will not only make you look crisp but also trendy with it stealing the attention of your whole outfit by the natural size of it!

With that being said, these are not rigid rules that one needs to follow to look good! You could get any bag you wish to wear and dress the way you could feel good about yourselves. If you are a petite sized women who always fancied large tote bags, then go ahead with it! It doesn’t matter. But on those days that you want to experiment with some existing style tips and tricks you could keep this at the back of your mind to transform your outfit!

What are some of your favourite style of bags? Share with me in the comments below!

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