What Out-Of-The-Box Thinking Can Do For You

Out-Of-The Box Thinking, that sure is a mouthful. But what exactly is it? Thinking creatively, design thinking, it is known by many names but essentially it is a useful skill that can only be gained from experience. It is about looking at a problem and seeing multiple perspectives and the opportunities of it. Sounds like a good skill to have? Well good news! Anyone can acquire it. You just need to get out of the classroom every once in a while- do an internship, participate in a competition. Just do an activity that gives you a chance to problem-solve. Trust me, your future self will thank you.

Not convinced? Well, here are 3 reasons of what Out-Of-the-Box Thinking can do for you:

1. Industries Change

Think the banking industry will be the same for the next 15 years? Not at all. Innovation is a natural part to make best practices more efficient. To keep up with current challenges. Keep up with new technology! Rather, be an Out-Of-The-Box Thinker and effect positive changes to industries. Be the individual that solved an old issue, that revolutionised the practice. That would be something.

2. Keeping Relevant
Creative thinkers are flexible to change. They adapt quickly and are much more valuable as they spend more time thinking of possible solutions rather than adapting to changes. These unique individuals consolidate all their learning to solve an issue. As they can view it from various perspectives, they are better able in coming up with a win-win solution for the parties involved. That, makes you relevant!

3. Changing World

With one problem solved, another follows suits. here is the key to creatively solving an issue: look at it from its varied aspects. Want to increase development of poor countries? Look beyond the economics of it. Use Out-Of-The-Box Thinking to construct a feasible and ingenious technique to help the world adapt to changes!

Have more ideas about Out-Of-The-Box Thinking? Write in the comments below!

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