Whatsapp: Some Things You Should Know

By leveraging on internet connection, WhatsApp is an application that allows users to send text messages, contacts, location, videos, photos, audio files, make voice and video calls and more. Available for both IOS and Android phones, and with a haul of over 1.2 billion users (and counting) worldwide; this is by far, the most popular instant messaging application to date.


With so many of us using this app on such a frequent basis, what does using it really entail? Are there any unspoken rules or behavior that one should take note of when using it? As in, what is the etiquette tagged to using this? Here are some things you should be aware of:

1. Those Blue Ticks


Whatsapp allows users to see if their message has been delivered or read. Double grey ticks to mark that your message was delivered and double blue ticks to mark that it has been read. With that, one must be able to manage one’s own expectations. Look, your message may have been read but in a world where we have many commitments, the timing may not be right for the person to reply you immediately. So hold your horses before you allow your mind to start running wild about why the person has not replied; or start stalking their online status. If your message is of an urgent nature, then for goodness sake, call instead of messaging. Having said that, while you may be too busy to reply a message when it comes in, do make a conscious effort to reply as soon as you have some free time. A minute or less is all that is needed. You do not want to come off as rude.

2. Chain Up Those Chain Messages


Chain messages are like chain emails, they are annoying and no one wants them. Especially when it involves a misfortune befalling on you if you don’t share it with a certain number of people within a specific period of time of receiving it. It is the most unwelcomed form of message both on the phone and in your email inbox. So while we are sorry you received it, please do not forward it.

3. The Group Chat — Before You Even Think Of Starting One


Group chats are a fantastic way of keeping in touch and making plans with family and friends all at one shot. However, when it comes to friends, do seek consent before adding your friends to one. Group chats amongst friends are rather tricky if you have been added without your consent and are not really interested in the chat topic. Because once in it, how do you get out of it without ruffling any feathers?

4. The Group Chat — To Mute Or To Leave

Many friendships have been soured or broken with this particular one. Many times, we find ourselves added, against our will, to a group chat. Leaving a group chat somehow causes some negative feelings amongst the rest of the people in the group chat. So if muting the convo isn’t an option, and you really want no part in the group chat, simply say that your data is limited and you have to limit the number of group chats.


Whatsapp is indeed a great phone app to use. However, its transparency could sometimes bring out the worst in us. For example, when xxx is typing…. is displayed, it inadvertently prevents us from closing the chat and moving on to do other things. The blue ticks brings out the stalker in all of us; especially so when it comes to texting someone we have a crush on or someone we are arguing with; seeing if the person has read our message or not, and if so, why are they not replying etc? Nevertheless it is the app of the moment and it does not look like it is about to go away despite the never-ending slew of similar apps; which is why it is important to understand the etiquette that is tagged to using this app.

Are there any other unspoken rules or behavior tagged to using this app that you have experienced? Share with us in the comments section below!

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