Your Most Trusted Beauty Myths Busted! Tips for Sun Protection.

The weather has been getting really hot in the city and temperatures are certainly spiking up! White shifts, beachy waves and glowing skin. This is exactly what we dream of when it comes to summer! However, with the sun bringing the worst in us, there is no room for fashion fixes! Sweat patches, fuzzy hair, and break outs are what we are really left with. With all else being taken care of with a quick wardrobe mix and a messy bun, skin is for one that can’t be switched!

Caring for your skin in the summer begins with a quality sunscreen! Although I am pretty aware of how you are probably well read about the importance of sun protection, here my job is to break down the unknowns of the existing beauty myths!

1) Higher SPF is NOT better!

As everyone thinks that higher SPF will provide you with longer and higher sun protection, it is not necessarily true. Especially when you sweat off all the sunscreen that you had applied within the first 15 minutes under the sun, there really is no room for extra protection. Try googling what the experts in dermatology have said about SPF protection and you will realise that SPF 30 protects you from about 97% UVB rays while SPF 45 protects you from 98% UVB. . Beyond SPF 50, the difference in sun protection is rather too minimal! With more chemicals being used in the sunscreen there are unknown effects. Have you ever noticed yourself breaking out with regular application of sunscreen? Well if you want to keep your skin looking clear while protecting it, stick to SPF 30 as it is still effective without the additional chemicals.

2) Physical over chemical sunscreen

If you still have not seen what was told on ‘Your sunscreen could be poisoning you’ on the ever so famous, Dr.Oz show, this one is for you! Titanium dioxide and Zinc Oxide are two very popular ingredients in a physical sunscreen that blocks away the UV light by sitting on the surface of your skin. Whereas chemical sunscreens are those that are absorbed into the skin and may affect your body on the inside. To prevent the detrimental effects of chemicals being absorbed into your body on a regular basis, opt for the physical sunscreen!

3) Spray sunscreen is NOT the easier bet!

Whereas spray sunscreen seems to be more convenient, it is not always the best option! Every sunscreen has its own optimal quantity to be applied to provide you with the stated sun protection. However with spray sunscreens, it is difficult to estimate the quantity that you are applying on your body and so it may eventually not be effective. Opt for the creams so that you could measure out your dime sized amount more accurately.

4) Sunscreen is a MUST for the eyes & the lips!

If anyone tells you to avoid applying sunscreen under your eyes, do not fall for it! If you have been convincing yourself that your dark circles are due to sleepless night, you could be wrong! Prolonged exposure under the sun could cause your dark circles to worsen. Look out for an sunscreen that is made for your eyes. Personally I would suggest a rub on stick for the under eye area. If you naturally have pigmented lips, there is a tendency for it to darken over the years with constant exposure under the sun. So get yourself a lip balm with SPF in it to keep your lips looking supple and pink!

What are some of your favourite sunscreens for the summer? Share with me in the comments below!

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