
農曆新年即將來到, 女生們當然要好好打扮一下。每隔一段時間就會有美甲花款被一眾美容達人熱捧, 鏡面指甲早排都曾經流行過, 但那時大家還在追捧啞色matte妝, 指甲唇妝全都是啞色為主。俗語說: 新一年, 新形象。今年不如試試鏡面甲吧! 為甚麼選鏡面甲? 時尚搶眼 任何造型都一樣襯到 Gigi Hadid都熱捧! 經過潮人大熱狂推, 任何東西都會成為當季熱話, 今次的鏡面甲熱潮都不例外! 但要做到這種超令鏡面效果, 需要小小的DIY技巧。雖然不需用上甲貼或塗厚厚的指甲油, 你需要一盒鏡面粉 (pigmented chrome powder)! 只需要將這些幼細粉末來回塗在甲面, 再掃上一層top coat就大功告成! 哪裡可以買到? 這種鏡面粉在Nails 21有售。距離農曆新年只有四天, 時間不夠的話可以去趟美甲店。Bellissima Nails Pte Ltd, The Nail Status和Covet Nails等美甲店都有提供鏡面美甲服務。 現在就為傳統拜年造型, 添上一抹現代時尚色彩! 祝大家新年快樂! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okacjbTV5Dc Continue reading 流行美甲陪你過年

How To Nail Your Make-Up Even When You’re Ill

Let’s face it-being sick is terrible. Whether it’s a bad flu or a severe hangover, being bedridden and forced to eat convalescent food is not fun. There’s work to be done, deadlines to meet and people to meet. It would be great if we could crawl back under our covers and shut out the world, but responsibilities cannot be escaped from. In such situations, looking … Continue reading How To Nail Your Make-Up Even When You’re Ill

6 Beauty Tips For The Woman On The Go

If you’re a woman with a jam-packed schedule, you might find that you’re slacking off on maintaining a proper beauty routine. Fret not-there are some essential items you can carry with you at all times, thus allowing you to have a beauty regimen on the go! Make some space in your handbag for these skincare essentials: 1. Sunblock: There’s no escaping the harsh UV rays … Continue reading 6 Beauty Tips For The Woman On The Go

Here’s What Girls With Great Skin Do

Ever wondered what women with excellent skin have in common? The following skincare habits: 1. Cleanse your skin A crucial step to having a clean face, you only need to cleanse your face once a day, preferably in the evenings. Allow the cleanser to sit on your skin for a few minutes after applying it, and wash off thoroughly with lukewarm water. 2. Protect yourself … Continue reading Here’s What Girls With Great Skin Do

Your Night Time Beauty Regimen All Sorted

Who doesn’t want to look like a goddess when they wake up in the morning? Whilst getting plenty of sleep at night definitely helps towards achieving great skin, investing in some tender lovin’ care for your epidermis right before you hit the sack acts as a catalyst in the process. Cultivate these before-bed beauty habits alongside your daytime skincare routine, and watch the magic unfold … Continue reading Your Night Time Beauty Regimen All Sorted

You Don’t Need Highlighters For Glowing Skin

Move over matte make-up! Glowy, pearly-faced skin is clearly gaining favourable ground over a flat visage. If you’re in the know, you’ll have noticed the emergence of highlighters everywhere, in a bid to achieve luminous skin. This might be especially problematic for those with oily or combination skin, and the usage of highlighters can add excessive shine to your already oily complexion. Never mind all … Continue reading You Don’t Need Highlighters For Glowing Skin

An Easy Daily Beauty Routine For Girls

I always have these super dark eye circles, and I will have to wake up earlier every day to put lots of effort on my under-eye areas. However, after all these years, I have discovered a better way in covering my dark eye circles on a cheap budget. I am currently using Bobbi Brown for my under-eye circles as the components in their concealer make … Continue reading An Easy Daily Beauty Routine For Girls

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Become A Community Contributor!

Are you interested in contributing to ZALORA Community Hong Kong as a guest writer? Reach out to us! Bring in your original stories, engaging ideas, gorgeous illustrations, creative designs and beautifully taken photos, and join in the Community of stylish, smart and fashion-loving writers here! What we are looking for: – Original pieces that engage and inspire — centered on either fashion, beauty, entertainment and lifestyle – … Continue reading Become A Community Contributor!

6 Makeup Tips To Look Glam In Glasses

It has been said that the eyes are the windows to a person’s soul. Wearing glasses doesn’t mean that your peepers should disappear behind them, they can also serve as amazingly stylish accessories that flatter fashion looks from day to night. Check out these 5 makeup tips will help you look gorgeously geeky-chic in your glasses! 1. Eyebrows Eyebrows help to frame your face, even … Continue reading 6 Makeup Tips To Look Glam In Glasses

6 Healthy Hair Habits To Have

While looking good in the freshest threads and flawless makeup is crucial in making a good impression, your hair also plays an important role in enhancing your overall image. Here are 6 simple healthy hair habits to create the right foundation for truly beautiful, healthy and strong hair that will put Victoria’s Secret models to shame. 1. Good diet One cannot just rely on multiple … Continue reading 6 Healthy Hair Habits To Have