Last Minute Halloween Makeup Tutorial: Leopard

There are just a couple of days left till Halloween, have you decided what you are going to be for Halloween this year? If you haven’t, don’t worry! I will be showing you my last minute Halloween makeup tutorial, it is super easy and fun! Halloween is not always about scary monsters or things, I would consider it as a costume day where people can … Continue reading Last Minute Halloween Makeup Tutorial: Leopard

Shere Au

A 17-year-young girl enthusiasts in photography, beauty, fashion, vintage and anything lifestyle-related. Reading and writing down every bits of her life has become her little-getaway, as well as dreaming big everyday with wild ideas. Currently the author of the blog where she writes about her life and everything she loves. Find more about her on her blog or her Instagram @beneaththemeadow Continue reading Shere Au

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Are you interested in contributing to ZALORA Community Hong Kong as a guest writer? Reach out to us! Bring in your original stories, engaging ideas, gorgeous illustrations, creative designs and beautifully taken photos, and join in the Community of stylish, smart and fashion-loving writers here! What we are looking for: – Original pieces that engage and inspire — centered on either fashion, beauty, entertainment and lifestyle – … Continue reading Become A Community Contributor!