
By Aini Shah from THREAD MY 近來天氣寒冷多雨,實在非常影響心情。 我們不禁開始想穿有好幾層又保暖舒適的衣著。 然而,因為舒服,我們很有可能步「犀利哥」的後塵——穿著充滿頹廢感的運動衫和寬鬆的運動褲。 如果你想追求舒適和時尚感兼具的穿搭,以下幾個穿搭靈感能輕鬆幫你提升整體造型。 1. 披肩頸巾 頸巾是能為整個造型加分的飾物。 無論你穿什麼,只要戴上頸巾,一定會令你輕鬆充滿時尚感。 不要害怕oversize的披肩頸巾,因為它超級保暖而且有多種配襯方法,非常百搭。 2. 大衣 如果你覺得自己的穿搭太簡單,大衣絕對能令你看起來更潮。穿上任何衣著然後再配搭大衣,就能體驗到舒適感。由一系列的顏色或設計中選擇最適合自己的款式,自信地大show造型吧! 3. 皮草外套 若果想在寒冷天氣中嘗試華麗feel造型,選擇皮草外套吧!皮草永遠是華麗的代表單品之一,而且舒服手感好。無論你去哪裡,穿上皮草大衣絕對能令你成為全場焦點。 4. 潮靴 千萬不要忘記,一雙好鞋對打造完美造型至關重要。在這雨紛紛時節,為何不襯搭一對又潮又舒適的靴?穿上像靴這類可以完全保護你雙腳的鞋,全天候像Model般昂首闊步吧!無論你選擇高跟靴還是其他款式,靴的特色總能為你造型增添幾分時尚感。 你在雨天最喜歡的穿搭又是什麼?在下方留言告訴我們吧! READ MORE: Continue reading 保暖又夠潮的穿搭秘訣

Wearing Colours According to Your Skin Tone

By Dini Azri from THREAD MY Choosing the perfect outfit for the day can be a tricky thing. You need to determine which cut flatters your body or which design is suitable for the occasion; then comes colour which is possibly the most important aspect of a complete outfit. Ever had someone commented on your outfit pointing out that the colour “is so you” or that … Continue reading Wearing Colours According to Your Skin Tone

Style Steal: Japanese Chic

5 closet staples to nail their style Jmaxtree Tokyo Street Style By Nica Dobles from THREAD PH I just came back from a quick trip visiting my sister in Japan, and one of the things I found myself doing a lot of — aside from enjoying all the food, of course — was checking out Japanese street style. What really struck me was that, even in 35+ degree weather, Japanese girls stayed … Continue reading Style Steal: Japanese Chic

Trend Tutorial: Velvet Crush

“Florals for summer? Groundbreaking,” drawled Miranda Priestly. What about velvet? How’s that for pushing the envelope? By Joyce Chua from THREAD SG Velvet has always been a mainstay for fall/winter. But this time, it’s having an extended moment well into spring and summer. Many designers — from Stella McCartney to Victoria Beckham — are starting to see the potential for this lush texture to be worn beyond the winter season. … Continue reading Trend Tutorial: Velvet Crush

Favourite Costumes to Dress for Halloween This Year

by Dini Azri for THREAD MY It is that time of year again where people of all ages come together dressed up in costumes and celebrate Halloween. Little kids go trick-or-treating around the neighbourhood while the adults go to Halloween parties and dance the night away; it is a celebration that everyone can enjoy. But the trick-or-treating and parties are only secondary to what people are … Continue reading Favourite Costumes to Dress for Halloween This Year

5 Kinds Of Shoes That’ll Take You Through The Rainy Season

Through hell or high water Original Content from THREAD PH Whether you wish it was summer forever or love the rain, one bad thing about rainy season that we can all agree on is: there’s nothing worse than the feeling of stepping in a puddle and walking around with wet shoes the entire day. Even if you’re equipped with a good rain jacket and a trusty … Continue reading 5 Kinds Of Shoes That’ll Take You Through The Rainy Season


穿上今季最流行的褶疊上衣,化身潮流達人 Translated from THREAD PH Photo by Akson/Unsplash 經典的褶疊上衣強勢回歸! 而這股熱潮的原因非常易理解,因為褶疊上衣有許多我們喜歡的細節,如折疊式的設計、吸引人的綁帶、精緻的裁剪和高水準的多功能性之外, 更別提其令人難以置信的舒適感、輕易修飾身形和營造毫不費力的時尚感的優點。 以下就教大家如何輕鬆搭配今期最流行的褶疊上衣! 1. 初階:白色短裙褲 MISSGUIDED 褶疊綁帶上衣 | UniqTee 不對稱裙褲 就像褶疊上衣一樣,短裙褲也非常百搭。 不再僅僅與網球有關,這件90年代復興的短裙褲有助你打造復古look。 想要簡約又時髦風格的話,只需上身以黑色褶疊上衣襯搭一條白色短裙褲, 絕對是商務休閒裝的最佳配搭(當然要公司dress code許可)。 2. 初階:緊身牛仔褲 Cotton On 褶疊荷葉上衣 | TOPSHOP Moto Jamie破洞牛仔褲 牛仔褲永不過時,穿它肯定不會出錯。 如果想要輕盈的休閒街頭造型,可以穿一件略帶破洞的緊身牛仔褲搭配褶疊上衣。 3. 進階:皮裙 Something Borrowed Wrap Detail Woven Top | Glamorous 拉鍊飾皮裙 如果你想大膽一點和少少性感、更深色的裝扮,褶疊上衣配皮裙再適合不過。 不但為整體造型增添一絲韻味,而且深V領上衣非常適合想低調出「夜街」的女生。 4. 進階:闊腿牛仔褲 Mango 褶疊綁帶上衣 | OUTSTANDING ORDINARY百搭闊腿牛仔褲 對於想表現個人風格的時尚愛好者,不妨考慮打結的褶疊上衣,再搭配藍色闊腿七分牛仔褲。 這不但可以集休閒和俏皮於一身,而且非常容易駕馭。 5. 高階:恤衫連身裙 Saturation蝴蝶寶石飾布項圈 | Something Borrowed Flare Sleeve Wrap … Continue reading 7個褶疊上衣的搭配方法

Style Staple: The Maxi Dress

5 maxi dress styles you should try Original Content from THREAD PH Photo by Pete Bellis/Unsplash Maxi dresses are known to be summer staples, but this effortless piece can take your wardrobe to a whole other level all year long. Providing more coverage than your standard dress, but enough breeze and flow for warm weather, these dresses should be your go-to uniform if you want a … Continue reading Style Staple: The Maxi Dress

EXPLORER SPIRIT: Banana Republic’s Fall/Winter 2018 Collection

Original Content from THREAD SG Known for its quintessentially American style, Banana Republic presents its new collection this season with a stronger focus on versatile fabrics and timeless designs. The Fall/Winter 2018 collection is the epitome of the modern American style, and its new campaign exalts “a life with no boundaries”. The collection revives classic, well-loved styles with a modern twist while maintaining its legacy … Continue reading EXPLORER SPIRIT: Banana Republic’s Fall/Winter 2018 Collection