Trend Tutorial: Time for Tulle

Get ready for tulle takeover. Photo by angela pham/Unsplash By Joyce Chua from THREAD SG Who would have thought that the lightweight fabric typically worn by ballerinas would become a fashion trend in its own right? Made of fibres, including silk, nylon, and rayon, tulle was more commonly used for veils, wedding gowns, and ballet tutus. Tulle was named after a southern central French city. It … Continue reading Trend Tutorial: Time for Tulle

Spring/Summer 2019 Trends to Pull Off for The New Year

By Dini Azri from THREAD MY Despite the many things that happened in 2018, can we agree on one thing though? It was quite an interesting year in terms of fashion. We saw sportswear everywhere, resell culture taking over the market, the revival of the ’90s style, and many more that definitely caught our attention. Now that the year is coming to a close, we bid … Continue reading Spring/Summer 2019 Trends to Pull Off for The New Year


By Aini Shah from THREAD MY 近來天氣寒冷多雨,實在非常影響心情。 我們不禁開始想穿有好幾層又保暖舒適的衣著。 然而,因為舒服,我們很有可能步「犀利哥」的後塵——穿著充滿頹廢感的運動衫和寬鬆的運動褲。 如果你想追求舒適和時尚感兼具的穿搭,以下幾個穿搭靈感能輕鬆幫你提升整體造型。 1. 披肩頸巾 頸巾是能為整個造型加分的飾物。 無論你穿什麼,只要戴上頸巾,一定會令你輕鬆充滿時尚感。 不要害怕oversize的披肩頸巾,因為它超級保暖而且有多種配襯方法,非常百搭。 2. 大衣 如果你覺得自己的穿搭太簡單,大衣絕對能令你看起來更潮。穿上任何衣著然後再配搭大衣,就能體驗到舒適感。由一系列的顏色或設計中選擇最適合自己的款式,自信地大show造型吧! 3. 皮草外套 若果想在寒冷天氣中嘗試華麗feel造型,選擇皮草外套吧!皮草永遠是華麗的代表單品之一,而且舒服手感好。無論你去哪裡,穿上皮草大衣絕對能令你成為全場焦點。 4. 潮靴 千萬不要忘記,一雙好鞋對打造完美造型至關重要。在這雨紛紛時節,為何不襯搭一對又潮又舒適的靴?穿上像靴這類可以完全保護你雙腳的鞋,全天候像Model般昂首闊步吧!無論你選擇高跟靴還是其他款式,靴的特色總能為你造型增添幾分時尚感。 你在雨天最喜歡的穿搭又是什麼?在下方留言告訴我們吧! READ MORE: Continue reading 保暖又夠潮的穿搭秘訣

Style Steal: Japanese Chic

5 closet staples to nail their style Jmaxtree Tokyo Street Style By Nica Dobles from THREAD PH I just came back from a quick trip visiting my sister in Japan, and one of the things I found myself doing a lot of — aside from enjoying all the food, of course — was checking out Japanese street style. What really struck me was that, even in 35+ degree weather, Japanese girls stayed … Continue reading Style Steal: Japanese Chic

Trend Tutorial: Velvet Crush

“Florals for summer? Groundbreaking,” drawled Miranda Priestly. What about velvet? How’s that for pushing the envelope? By Joyce Chua from THREAD SG Velvet has always been a mainstay for fall/winter. But this time, it’s having an extended moment well into spring and summer. Many designers — from Stella McCartney to Victoria Beckham — are starting to see the potential for this lush texture to be worn beyond the winter season. … Continue reading Trend Tutorial: Velvet Crush


每個人都為之瘋狂的潮流 Original Content from THREAD PH Copenhagen Street Style 摩登時尚的西部女牛仔風到現在已經流行了幾個月—— 例如美利堅森女裙、流蘇和馬鞍包,而且根據今個「時裝月」的報導,這個熱潮很有可能會延續下去。 Isabel Marant Fall 2018 | Tibi Spring 2019 相反,它採取了更現代化的轉變。 雖然西式恤衫和短皮裙走勢仍然強勁,但牛仔靴才是設計師和走街頭風明星們的新寵兒。 以下就來看看牛仔靴應該怎麼搭配吧! 搭配長裙 Copenhagen Street Style 你不會想因為一條美利堅森女裙而予人穿得太過火的感覺——這種裙一個不留神就會穿得太可愛或者太奢華誇張,就像戲服一樣。因此,倒不如回歸最基本的西式風格,簡單一條用舒適物料而製,例如牛仔或亞麻的寬鬆中長連衣裙,打造輕鬆又活潑的造型。 大玩對比 另一方面,請不要未陪襯就胡亂把衣服都穿到身上,相反你應該善用對比。就以我們都喜愛的街頭風博主 Xenia van der Woodsen的這個造型為例,上身以亮粉色鏤空針織衫襯搭一條單車短褲,再配上一對西部風靴。如果你對試這種趨勢猶豫不決,一個小貼士就是尋找像Xenia穿的短靴—— 它們比較易carry,而且是身處熱帶地區的人的恩物。 以西裝外套搭配 Copenhagen Street Style | Isabel Marant Fall 2018 我們傾向認為牛仔靴很普遍,但卻忽略了牛仔外套和西裝外套也可以很時尚。 簡約風的中性黑色或米色牛仔靴簡直為優雅的上班服增添了幾分「貼地」的灑脫,亦是可以輕鬆而且低調嘗試這個潮流的方法。 提升時尚感 Stockholm Street Style | Missguided 仿皮鏤空短靴 不要以為除了傳統的牛仔靴別無選擇, 不妨嘗試一下狂野的西部牛仔風情配搭精緻細節的款式,如拼接、搭扣和金屬裝飾。 一對腳裸鏤空的短靴前衛又時尚,同時亦符合這個潮流,是個不錯的選擇。 Mix & Match 單色系 鮮豔的單色系造型向來都流行,何不就像Aimee Song那樣一次過將兩個潮流趨勢合二為一?訣竅是只要兩者是不同色號和質地就可以了。 大膽嘗試鮮豔顏色 Copenhagen Street Style | E8 by Miista 拉鍊皮靴 如果從頭到腳同色系看起來太過,你仍然可以大玩各種顏色。 … Continue reading 駕馭西部風靴的秘訣

Favourite Costumes to Dress for Halloween This Year

by Dini Azri for THREAD MY It is that time of year again where people of all ages come together dressed up in costumes and celebrate Halloween. Little kids go trick-or-treating around the neighbourhood while the adults go to Halloween parties and dance the night away; it is a celebration that everyone can enjoy. But the trick-or-treating and parties are only secondary to what people are … Continue reading Favourite Costumes to Dress for Halloween This Year

How To Wear Athleisure Like An Adult

5 street style-approved outfit formulas London Fashion Week Fall 2018 Street Style by Nica Dobles for THREAD PH Athleisure is one of the decade’s biggest trends, and it looks like it’s not going away anytime soon — and why would it? It’s the perfect marriage of comfort and style. As much as we love how comfortable leggings are, though, we admit that they’re not always appropriate. Athleisure staples like joggers … Continue reading How To Wear Athleisure Like An Adult


Jetsetter, trendsetter. Original Content from Thread PH Photo by Joseph Pearson via Unsplash 度假固然很有趣,但到達目的地途中你有可能會受盡折磨。 無論你去旅行是坐飛機、汽車、巴士、火車還是乘船,都意味著你要在狹小的空間內與陌生人擠擁。雖然這樣非常痛苦,但你可以通過舒適的穿搭來緩解。 你絕不會想一到達目的地時,看起來就像剛起床一樣。 幸運的是,你轉換#OOTDs 時不需要在時尚與功能中作出取捨。 現在就來看看舒適與風格並存的造型秘訣吧! 1. 穿簡單的上下衣 舒適造型的重點是穿可以讓你隨意走動的寬鬆衣服。 這並不代表睡衣 — 看看Alicia Vikander如何搭配飄逸的長袖上衣(解開脖子的幾顆鈕扣令自己更舒適)和寬鬆的牛仔褲,穿出休閒又時髦的造型: 如果你想穿牛仔,可以考慮像Alicia穿的男友風牛仔褲(請將緊身牛仔褲留在行李中),但你也可以嘗試更輕盈的裙褲。 要數最輕盈的單品,肯定非連衣裙莫屬,但要確保不會太緊或太短。 在你坐著時要不斷調整會捲上去的裙子是件痛苦的事,所以穿飄逸的中長裙或長連衣裙是很好的選擇。 至於你為了去沙灘而買的可愛連身短褲,請收起來 — 當你進出狹窄的飛機浴室內或中途站的公共廁所時,連身短褲絕對不方便。 ZALORA BASICS 無領上衣 | ZALORA 無袖印花長裙 | Tokichoi Paperbag Pants With Tie Front 2. 輕薄層次感 Photo by JD Mason via Unsplash 你去的地方可能艷陽高照,但說不定晚上氣溫會驟降或者出入冷氣地方時,要適應溫差可能會相當痛苦,因此請務必攜帶可輕鬆穿脫的外衣。 如果你在熱帶地區度假,輕便的外套或時興的日式外套就足夠了。 如果要去氣溫比較低的地方,不妨考慮一件較厚的外套,再加一條頸巾,如此便萬無一失了。 3. 質地非常重要 另一點要注意的是你的衣服物料。 請盡量穿如棉和亞麻等天然材料製成的衣服,與滌綸這類合成材料完全相反 — 它們非常輕,而且透氣性好,可以令你於旅途中keep到清新舒爽。 4. 擁抱運動休閒風 你可能無法穿著睡衣到機場,但你有其他相似的選擇。 隨著運動休閒風的興起,普遍大眾已經接受了在#OOTD中穿慢跑褲和緊身褲。 在旅途中,充分利用這個趨勢,穿著舒適的衣服四處遊玩吧! 參考Gigi Hadid的造型,讓你的穿搭看起來寬鬆得來帶點有趣的細節,例如大熱的條紋和鮮豔的顏色。 Factorie 拉鍊運外套 | ONLY 間條邊緊身褲 … Continue reading 7個時髦又舒適的旅遊穿搭秘訣

5 Kinds Of Shoes That’ll Take You Through The Rainy Season

Through hell or high water Original Content from THREAD PH Whether you wish it was summer forever or love the rain, one bad thing about rainy season that we can all agree on is: there’s nothing worse than the feeling of stepping in a puddle and walking around with wet shoes the entire day. Even if you’re equipped with a good rain jacket and a trusty … Continue reading 5 Kinds Of Shoes That’ll Take You Through The Rainy Season


穿上今季最流行的褶疊上衣,化身潮流達人 Translated from THREAD PH Photo by Akson/Unsplash 經典的褶疊上衣強勢回歸! 而這股熱潮的原因非常易理解,因為褶疊上衣有許多我們喜歡的細節,如折疊式的設計、吸引人的綁帶、精緻的裁剪和高水準的多功能性之外, 更別提其令人難以置信的舒適感、輕易修飾身形和營造毫不費力的時尚感的優點。 以下就教大家如何輕鬆搭配今期最流行的褶疊上衣! 1. 初階:白色短裙褲 MISSGUIDED 褶疊綁帶上衣 | UniqTee 不對稱裙褲 就像褶疊上衣一樣,短裙褲也非常百搭。 不再僅僅與網球有關,這件90年代復興的短裙褲有助你打造復古look。 想要簡約又時髦風格的話,只需上身以黑色褶疊上衣襯搭一條白色短裙褲, 絕對是商務休閒裝的最佳配搭(當然要公司dress code許可)。 2. 初階:緊身牛仔褲 Cotton On 褶疊荷葉上衣 | TOPSHOP Moto Jamie破洞牛仔褲 牛仔褲永不過時,穿它肯定不會出錯。 如果想要輕盈的休閒街頭造型,可以穿一件略帶破洞的緊身牛仔褲搭配褶疊上衣。 3. 進階:皮裙 Something Borrowed Wrap Detail Woven Top | Glamorous 拉鍊飾皮裙 如果你想大膽一點和少少性感、更深色的裝扮,褶疊上衣配皮裙再適合不過。 不但為整體造型增添一絲韻味,而且深V領上衣非常適合想低調出「夜街」的女生。 4. 進階:闊腿牛仔褲 Mango 褶疊綁帶上衣 | OUTSTANDING ORDINARY百搭闊腿牛仔褲 對於想表現個人風格的時尚愛好者,不妨考慮打結的褶疊上衣,再搭配藍色闊腿七分牛仔褲。 這不但可以集休閒和俏皮於一身,而且非常容易駕馭。 5. 高階:恤衫連身裙 Saturation蝴蝶寶石飾布項圈 | Something Borrowed Flare Sleeve Wrap … Continue reading 7個褶疊上衣的搭配方法

EXPLORER SPIRIT: Banana Republic’s Fall/Winter 2018 Collection

Original Content from THREAD SG Known for its quintessentially American style, Banana Republic presents its new collection this season with a stronger focus on versatile fabrics and timeless designs. The Fall/Winter 2018 collection is the epitome of the modern American style, and its new campaign exalts “a life with no boundaries”. The collection revives classic, well-loved styles with a modern twist while maintaining its legacy … Continue reading EXPLORER SPIRIT: Banana Republic’s Fall/Winter 2018 Collection

STYLE QUICKIE: How to Pull Off Crop Tops in Any Body Shape

Original Content from Thread SG Crop tops, though a trending summer wardrobe staple, are probably one of the most anxiety-inducing things to wear. Many women worry that their body type are not suitable for crop tops and thus shy away from them. We say, the clothes are meant to suit us, not us to it. And so we have devised ways for any body shape … Continue reading STYLE QUICKIE: How to Pull Off Crop Tops in Any Body Shape

Beyond Basics: 5 Brands That Do Prints Right For the Guys

Original Content from Daniel Loy Thread SG Imaxtree Streetwear It’s out with the plain and in with the prints in the world of men’s fashion trends. From tropical to floral and even abstract designs, the dudes are killing it in hits of colour right now. Whether it’s next to lush greenery or the blue waters by the riviera, prints are perfect for summer and add … Continue reading Beyond Basics: 5 Brands That Do Prints Right For the Guys


Translated from Thread SG 相信各位都曾經對以下這個場景似曾相識:站在衣櫃前,茫然地盯著堆積如山的衣物,然後必然是喊出一句「根本沒衣服好穿……」尤其我們身於熱帶區域,似乎除了短袖T恤及短褲外,已經難以想到其他選擇。 但事實上,你只需要入手幾件必備單品,問題就可以迎刃而解,尤其當你懶得搭配時,這幾件單品可能是你的「懶人包」。以下推介的幾件衣物不但輕易駕馭、時髦和百搭,同時亦能助你抵抗炎炎夏日,令你可以巧妙搭配不同look之餘keep住清爽。 恤衫連身裙 J.Crew Maribou Mixy Striped Shirt-Dress 一條恤衫連身裙可謂夏天不可劃缺的單品,配以啡色腰帶、木質厚底鞋、貓眼太陽眼鏡和一個織布銀包或側孭袋。若果厭自己衣著太悶無亮點,可以考慮有花紋及色彩較繽紛的配飾,例如搭配鮮豔印花的頸巾或鞋等。 白恤衫 經典的扣鈕恤衫其實並非你想像中那麼俗不可耐。一件設計新穎清新的白恤衫予人慵懶又優雅的感覺,絕非其他種類的衣服可以取代。配以一條富有夏日feel的短褲、緊身牛仔褲或煙管褲,既可以大show線條,又可以散發半休閒feel。 長裙 炎熱天氣下,一條長裙足夠舒適及點綴全身造型,因此配飾其實可免則免,簡單配以草編鞋以營造經典夏日造型。 若果覺得連身裙不是你那杯茶,可以試一下以一身白T恤搭配闊腳褲。你可能覺得闊腳褲不是你的style,但闊腳褲其實是裙褲和半截裙的混合體,尤其當你要去沙灘或公園,闊腳褲更是命定單品,讓你輕易打造一身波西米亞風look。 連身褲 Mango Floral Print Jumpsuit 與長裙相差無幾,連身褲既助你節省時間去搭配上下衣,又讓你整體造型和諧統一,更重要的是即使身處酷熱天氣下,身穿連身褲依然涼爽無比。即使入夜後氣溫有所下跌,簡單披上一件寬鬆外套足以保暖。 草編鞋 草編船跟鞋應當算是夏日非主流的選擇。若你要去沙灘或街上,可以考慮以草編船跟鞋搭配一條性感棉質連身裙或半截裙。 Continue reading 5件夏天衣櫃必備單品

This Season’s Top 5 Fashion Bestsellers — Men Edition

This season, as the months get warm, it is essential to know what to wear to stay in style. From coats to shorts, we have gathered the data to come up with the top 5 men fashion bestsellers. ITEMMS ZIP-UP BOMBER JACKET 01 C The bomber jacket has been holding the top spot for the men fashion bestsellers for quite some time now. Clearly its … Continue reading This Season’s Top 5 Fashion Bestsellers — Men Edition

This Season’s Top 5 Fashion Bestsellers — Women Edition

We have reached the second quarter of the year. And the question on everyone’s mind is what this season’s fashion bestsellers are. As usual, we have collected the data and crunched them to provide you the answer. Lace Shift Dress Shift dresses still top this season’s bestsellers; with lace shift dresses taking centre stage this season. Lace gives a nice twist to shift dresses, with … Continue reading This Season’s Top 5 Fashion Bestsellers — Women Edition


Original Content from Sreya Sanyal Thread SG Sunshine, clear skies, sandy beaches and pristine waters — these are just a few of the things we love about countries with perpetual summer. If you’re an inhabitant of a tropical nation, do the good work and pass this article along to a friend living in cooler climates. However, if you’re far too excited to pack and have no time … Continue reading JETSETTER, TRENDSETTER: Summer Locales


Original Content from Thread SG You know a look is iconic when it remains almost the same despite the test of time. The classic French Riviera style that involves Breton stripes, cropped pants, straw boater hats, and basket bags has been sported by style icons such as Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, and Jane Birkin at Cannes. But how can you take on the look on … Continue reading JETSETTER, TRENDSETTER: Riviera Chic

Trend Tutorial: Back To The 80s

Brighter, bigger, bolder Original Content from Nica Dobles Thread PH After years of minimalism, the fashion world’s been trending back to the other side of the spectrum over the past season or two. Maximalism is the new name of the game, and nothing embodies that concept more than the 1980s — the decade of big hair, loud colors, and bold outfit choices. Plus with 80’s nostalgia coming strong … Continue reading Trend Tutorial: Back To The 80s