
今年快將完結,來回顧一下時裝潮流的色彩走勢吧!編緝團隊統計了2016年熱賣男裝單品,排列出五大最受歡迎色系。整體來說,本年度的顏色潮流偏向沉實低調,沒有花俏的粉紅或亮銀,一切配搭單品亦以簡約純色為主。想知道自己的口味與潮流走勢是否吻合?立即來看看最受歡迎的5大男裝顏色吧。 黑色 (由左至右) http://wear.jp/norosuke/8404060/, http://wear.jp/20001479/8401708/ 能夠榮登榜首的顏色,絕對非純黑莫屬。黑色能夠成為最受歡迎的穿搭色系,在於其不容置疑的百搭性。無論春夏秋冬、無論任何場合,這種經典、低調、成熟的黑色都於男裝衣櫥有著屹立不倒的地位。如果全身上下只可穿著一種顏色,黑色會是絕對不會出錯的選擇。不論是充滿信心的潮流達人還是毫無頭緒的時裝新手,黑色T恤、黑色外套、黑色褲子、黑色鞋子、黑色袋都會是全年必備的配搭單品。 2. 灰色 (由左至右) http://wear.jp/junred_wear045/8388018/, http://wear.jp/siesta7100/8405518/ 仔細一想,灰色不過是較為明亮的黑色,在配搭造型方面同樣容易駕馭。處於黑白兩者之間的這個顏色變化多端,從最深過度到最淺的每個色度都能營造不同感覺。淺灰色看起來清爽舒服,最適合春夏造型,而深灰色則溫暖穩重,是秋冬打扮的不二之選。灰色能夠與黑色及白色單品無縫配合,非常容易駕馭,難怪同樣深受歡迎。 3. 軍藍色 (由左至右) http://wear.jp/ryuhe/8405440/, http://wear.jp/titysan/8378465/ 當一款男裝單品有數種顏色選擇,軍藍色絕對會是其中一種。充滿個性的一抹藍能夠為平凡造型注入與別不同的感覺,而在色譜上偏暗的軍藍依舊百搭易襯,於外套、上衣與鞋子尤其常見。除了經典黑白灰,穩重的軍藍色亦非常適合用於上班穿搭。軍藍色西裝外套醒目時尚,比黑色或灰色更加適合年輕人,難怪能夠穩佔季軍。 4. 白色 (由左至右) http://wear.jp/ha0284/6877888/, http://wear.jp/kkazu960516/8402021/ 萬年不敗的白色當然深受歡迎。白色T恤與白色恤衫都是每個男生的必備配搭,而全白球鞋亦是今季重點單品之一。受韓風潮流影響,本年亦非常流行白色高領毛衣,簡單一件單品就可化身oppa!想升級至潮流達人的話,tone-on-tone全白裝束會是搶眼清新的選擇。你又有沒有興趣挑戰? 5. 啡色 (由左至右) http://wear.jp/ryope0329/8396706/, http://wear.jp/sayusei0918/8396562/ 啡色充滿復古感覺,比較常見於秋冬單品如毛衣及外套,以及斜揹袋與牛津鞋等皮革製品。百搭易襯的啡色最能為造型增添味道, 難怪能成為第五位最受歡迎顏色! Continue reading 5大最受歡迎男裝顏色


男生們,你有否曾為不懂配搭衣服而煩惱?時裝雜誌中的模特兒以歐美人為主,身形上當然會與亞洲男生有一點差距,所以再好看的穿搭,放到你的身上也未必合適。為了讓香港男生能夠找到最適合自己的風格,編緝團隊特意精選三款流行造型,讓你可以根據自己的身形與喜好去穿出與別不同的型格味道。無論是日常配搭或約會打扮,只要掌握穿搭之道,你都可以成為街拍模特!立即看看適合亞洲男生的必勝穿搭法! 文青風穿搭 (由左至右) http://wear.jp/0909shunsuke/8205444/, http://wear.jp/hi09048/7941020/ 文青風穿搭正在流行,而在宏宏男裝單品之中,牛仔恤衫是絕不可缺的經典設計。淺藍色的長袖牛仔恤衫最為百搭,適合任何天氣之餘,不同穿法亦能變化出不同造型。單穿牛仔恤衫並扣上所有鈕扣,再配搭長褲及皮鞋,即可帶出smart casual感覺。恤衫外形成熟穩重,而牛仔物料則能為打扮注入隨性感覺,就算約會時穿著都絕不失禮。在天氣稍冷的時候加上外套就能令打扮更有層次感,非常簡單! (由左至右) http://wear.jp/rt610/7632789/, http://wear.jp/koooooki0415/7907448/ 牛仔恤衫亦可當成外套,令造型更加搶眼。淺色恤衫適合配搭白色T恤,或以白色為主的print tee。摺起衣袖及打開鈕扣能夠營造輕鬆慵懶感,配搭短褲或jogger pants都同樣好看,而對配搭非常拿手的你,不妨把恤衫綁於腰間,為平凡造型增添獨特亮點。 2. 韓風穿搭 (由左至右) http://wear.jp/repopoo/8140137/, http://wear.jp/genji/8195417/ 當所有女生都對韓國男星們趨之若鶩,你的打扮又怎可落後於人?韓風暖男穿搭對身形的要求比較高,除了高還必須夠瘦才可駕馭。假如你有足夠信心,今個秋冬不妨選擇西裝款長外套,配搭高領毛衣、長褲及短靴,令心儀對象眼前一亮!長款外套通常以寬鬆剪裁為主,所以褲子應選擇較為修身的直腳設計。黑色、深藍、灰色等都是百搭的選擇,而白色毛衣更是今季必備韓風單品之一。立即入手! 3. 街頭穿搭 (由左至右) http://wear.jp/wear9020/8123815/, http://wear.jp/bigi0095/7950015/ 假如覺得以上穿搭風格太過斯文的話,街頭造型或會更適合你。以黑色單品為主的街頭穿搭有型有款,讓你無論任何時候都能保持冷酷形象。黑衫黑褲是絕對不會出錯的選擇,而想造型多點變化的話,亦可選擇白色與灰色的服飾。棒球外套是今季必備的型格單品,而MA-1軍褸同樣充滿魅力。你更可配搭不同銀色或皮革飾物,如頸鍊、耳環、戒指、手帶等,營造與別不同的感覺。最重要一點,就這款穿搭適合任何男生,而且講究程度悉隨尊便。T恤、牛仔褲、球鞋簡單易襯,配上外套可增加層次與配搭感。每次只需轉換一款單品,如T恤圖案或褲子剪裁,造型風格就能截然不同。想躋身潮人行列的你,絕對不可錯過! Continue reading 香港男生必勝穿搭法

Trend Spotlight: Sports Luxe

Sports luxe, also known as the latest game-changer that’s been taking the fashion world by storm, has been going strong for several seasons now. And little wonder why. It marries sports and luxury, and combines comfort and style in one outfit, and is incredibly versatile and wearable. Thanks to designers like Alexander Wang and Helmut Lang, sports luxe have become a mainstream trend that blurs … Continue reading Trend Spotlight: Sports Luxe

How To Pull Off Workwear Like A Girl Boss

Behind every successful lady is herself and her killer outfits. Especially in the workplace where we cannot just have the knowledge and skills, we have to look the part as well. Here, we share some of the ways in which you can rock workwear like the girl boss that you are. Remember: act like a lady, think like a boss! Invest in quality essentials that … Continue reading How To Pull Off Workwear Like A Girl Boss

4 Stylish Looks For Girls’ Night Out

What can be better than a fun girls’ night out with your group of girl friends? After a whole week of working hard during the weekdays, an outing with besties can take the pressure off and be the ultimate social anti-depressant. According to a study conducted by UCLA on Friendship Among Women, it was revealed that hanging out with your girlfriends releases oxytocins — hormones which counters … Continue reading 4 Stylish Looks For Girls’ Night Out

6 Rules For Wearing Patterns & Prints

Don’t deny it, patterns and prints are everywhere, especially florals. So if you are psyched about venturing away from solid colours, here are some tips to guide you through printed and patterned territory! 1. Always start small. If you are new to this, you can start with a patterned scarf, skirt, pouch or top. And it you don’t have any printed clothing to wear, patterned … Continue reading 6 Rules For Wearing Patterns & Prints

3 Ways To Rock Florals For Fall/Winter

When we talk about florals in fashion, it is usually associated with springtime. They signify the change in seasons and they have been an undeniable favourite of fashionistas for a range of occasions — from weddings, parties to the office. But that doesn’t mean that they have to be boring, predictable and can only be worn during spring. Nope, why should this go-to print be restricted by … Continue reading 3 Ways To Rock Florals For Fall/Winter