
期盼已久的冬天,終於來到啦!下星期立冬,而香港亦終於感受得到清涼乾爽的天氣,對一眾蠢蠢欲動、想要為衣櫥換新裝的潮人來說絕對是個好消息!還未添置衣服的妳,知道今個秋冬的流行穿搭走勢嗎?無論是斯文大方的淑女打扮抑或有型有款的街頭穿搭,每年總有一兩款不得不買的重點設計。立即來看看2016的冬季注目保暖單品吧! 高領毛衣 ( 由左至右: http://wear.jp/ungrid1010/8367979/, http://wear.jp/mizuho0810/8366709/) 復古穿搭於本年繼續流行,所以很多80年代服飾都捲土重來,被各大品牌重新包裝,成為充滿個性的日常穿搭。毛衣一直都是禦寒的必備保暖單品,但16年秋冬潮流的重點落於復古高領上。厚實的毛冷翻領設計不但非常溫暖,更能令造型變得高貴大氣,彷如大衣上的毛領。灰色毛衣最為百搭,當然黑白色也是必不可缺的經典配搭。白色毛衣溫柔可人,最適合配搭卡其、粉紅等服飾,營造甜美感覺;黑色毛衣型格神秘,配上迷你裙及過膝長靴,即可完成超搶眼辣妹形象! 2. 紅色格仔圍巾 ( 由左至右: http://wear.jp/bbtyb092/8336269/, http://wear.jp/yume20131119/8321547/) 每年秋冬,無論歐美或日本品牌都會推出英倫味濃的紅色格仔圍巾。這款單品不但容易配襯,看似一式一樣卻又不盡相同。最經典的蘇格蘭格仔Tartan由數種顏色縱橫交錯而成,於正紅底色上組成格紋圖案,就如左圖。這款格仔萬年不敗,充滿聖誕感覺而且可以配搭任何造型,但市面上有很多變奏版本,如深紅底色配以藍格。雖然格仔圍巾變化多端,但不變的是,搶眼獨特的紅色最能點綴沉色造型。妳更可把圍巾當成披肩,保暖同時為打扮增添層次。 3. 羽絨背心 ( 由左至右: http://wear.jp/mue/8214445/, http://wear.jp/maarimo196/8322943/) 香港人最愛的冬天保暖服飾,非羽絨外套莫屬!要把厚厚的外套穿出時尚感,就算潮流達人都未必會有十足把握。要減低臃腫感覺,不妨選擇羽絨背心。無袖設計看起來非常輕盈,同樣做到為身軀保暖的效果,而且有型有款。黑色羽絨背心看起來有點像避彈衣,充滿個性街頭味道。無論配搭牛仔褲或半截裙都同樣好看的這件單品,絕對是冬季衣櫥的必備設計。 Continue reading 冬天來了!3大保暖時尚單品

Nine by Savannah Miller登場

時裝設計師Savannah Miller推出的全新個人品牌系列 — — Nine, 終於在ZALORA登場! 混搭柔和暖色調與人氣爆燈的印花圖紋, 加上一抹懷舊的浪漫情懷, 打造出眼前的這系列作品 — — 精緻與華麗的迷人合體。Savannah 畢業自著名的中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院, 曾在時裝大牌如Alexander McQueen工作的她, 實力絕對毋庸置疑。配合Nine by Savannah Miller的推出, 我們有幸和Savannah進行專訪, 了解她在設計路上的歷程, 向她請教對明年潮流趨勢的看法。 成為設計師是妳一直以來的夢想嗎? 是什麼原因讓妳有這樣的念頭? 我從小就喜歡手作, 8歲時我已拿著鉛筆當棒針編織東西。童年時親手製作的長裙禮服讓我深深體會到, 設計是讓我表達自己的方法。 什麼/誰是妳的靈感來源? 藝術、古代建築賦予我大量創作靈感。復古時尚也是我的靈感泉源, 我尤其喜愛1920年代的剪裁式樣, 與70年代的線條輪廓與風格。 請形容妳的設計哲學。 我的信念是設計出能勾勒女性動人風姿的衣服。我認為最重要的是別讓衣服穿人。穿著是我們給外界留下的第一印象, 因此它必須能夠忠實展示真正的自己。舒適的穿著感亦很重要, 這樣我們才能更好地發揮自己。 沒有靈感時妳會怎麼做? 暫時遠離社交媒體, 把注意力放在藝術書籍或去去畫廊。現代社會的步伐太快, 我很難有源源不斷的靈感, 但只要去這些地方, 就能讓我感覺豁然開朗起來。我喜歡到遙遠的國家旅行, 感受不一樣的文化, 這讓我對這個世界產生全新的想法。 妳希望哪些明星藝人穿上妳的作品? 我喜歡時尚品味獨特的藝人。我的妹妹Sienna 就是典型例子。她是個混搭高手, 總是能在優雅中展現出帥氣感覺。我也很喜歡Alexa Chung和Chloe Sevigny的造型打扮, 她們都有自己獨一無二的時尚眼光, 非常創新。 妳認為下一個流行趨勢會是什麼? 而它又會對妳的設計帶來什麼影響? 最近開始流行極繁主義maximalism, Gucci的Alessandro Michele就運用了很多這方面的元素。在極簡主義流行了這麼久之後, 能夠看到豐富的色彩和繁複的細節裝飾再度躍上流行的舞台, 我樂見其成。 妳認為哪個潮流會繼續成為人氣風潮? 經典的搖滾中性風! 這絕對是我的最愛! 妳認為每個女人/男人都應該有的必備單品是……? 一件好的皮褸。 妳對可持續時裝 (sustainable fashion) 有什麼看法? 我認為生活各方面都應該做到可持續的經營, 然而這麼做卻需要很大成本。除非它的價格能夠更親民實惠, … Continue reading Nine by Savannah Miller登場


男生們,你有否曾為不懂配搭衣服而煩惱?時裝雜誌中的模特兒以歐美人為主,身形上當然會與亞洲男生有一點差距,所以再好看的穿搭,放到你的身上也未必合適。為了讓香港男生能夠找到最適合自己的風格,編緝團隊特意精選三款流行造型,讓你可以根據自己的身形與喜好去穿出與別不同的型格味道。無論是日常配搭或約會打扮,只要掌握穿搭之道,你都可以成為街拍模特!立即看看適合亞洲男生的必勝穿搭法! 文青風穿搭 (由左至右) http://wear.jp/0909shunsuke/8205444/, http://wear.jp/hi09048/7941020/ 文青風穿搭正在流行,而在宏宏男裝單品之中,牛仔恤衫是絕不可缺的經典設計。淺藍色的長袖牛仔恤衫最為百搭,適合任何天氣之餘,不同穿法亦能變化出不同造型。單穿牛仔恤衫並扣上所有鈕扣,再配搭長褲及皮鞋,即可帶出smart casual感覺。恤衫外形成熟穩重,而牛仔物料則能為打扮注入隨性感覺,就算約會時穿著都絕不失禮。在天氣稍冷的時候加上外套就能令打扮更有層次感,非常簡單! (由左至右) http://wear.jp/rt610/7632789/, http://wear.jp/koooooki0415/7907448/ 牛仔恤衫亦可當成外套,令造型更加搶眼。淺色恤衫適合配搭白色T恤,或以白色為主的print tee。摺起衣袖及打開鈕扣能夠營造輕鬆慵懶感,配搭短褲或jogger pants都同樣好看,而對配搭非常拿手的你,不妨把恤衫綁於腰間,為平凡造型增添獨特亮點。 2. 韓風穿搭 (由左至右) http://wear.jp/repopoo/8140137/, http://wear.jp/genji/8195417/ 當所有女生都對韓國男星們趨之若鶩,你的打扮又怎可落後於人?韓風暖男穿搭對身形的要求比較高,除了高還必須夠瘦才可駕馭。假如你有足夠信心,今個秋冬不妨選擇西裝款長外套,配搭高領毛衣、長褲及短靴,令心儀對象眼前一亮!長款外套通常以寬鬆剪裁為主,所以褲子應選擇較為修身的直腳設計。黑色、深藍、灰色等都是百搭的選擇,而白色毛衣更是今季必備韓風單品之一。立即入手! 3. 街頭穿搭 (由左至右) http://wear.jp/wear9020/8123815/, http://wear.jp/bigi0095/7950015/ 假如覺得以上穿搭風格太過斯文的話,街頭造型或會更適合你。以黑色單品為主的街頭穿搭有型有款,讓你無論任何時候都能保持冷酷形象。黑衫黑褲是絕對不會出錯的選擇,而想造型多點變化的話,亦可選擇白色與灰色的服飾。棒球外套是今季必備的型格單品,而MA-1軍褸同樣充滿魅力。你更可配搭不同銀色或皮革飾物,如頸鍊、耳環、戒指、手帶等,營造與別不同的感覺。最重要一點,就這款穿搭適合任何男生,而且講究程度悉隨尊便。T恤、牛仔褲、球鞋簡單易襯,配上外套可增加層次與配搭感。每次只需轉換一款單品,如T恤圖案或褲子剪裁,造型風格就能截然不同。想躋身潮人行列的你,絕對不可錯過! Continue reading 香港男生必勝穿搭法

ZALORA 獨家! 韓國潮流品牌Pop-Up

本季ZALORA為你獨家引進韓國最炙手可熱的時尚品牌。一共16個韓牌即將登場, 每個都有著自己獨一無二的魅力, 必有一款擄獲你的心! 1. Lucky Chouette 韓國Jardin de Chouette的副品牌, 由韓國設計師金在賢 (譯音, Kim Jae-Hyun) 創辦。Chouette在法文裡有「貓頭鷹」之意, 因此也成為了該品牌的代表圖騰。Lucky Chouette主打smart、休閒青春的風格路線, 充滿街頭塗鴉感的個性服飾與配件繽紛好看, 迎合年輕族群的喜好。剪裁大膽而前衛, 如oversized上衣與飄逸短傘裙。除了個性鮮明的印花, 你也能看到貫穿整個系列的可愛貓頭鷹身影。 2. Rocket X Lunch ROCKET X LUNCH 以充滿90年代風輪廓, 略帶boxy剪裁與色調鮮豔的服飾吸引潮人目光, 而不只是依賴logo來打響名號。作為新晉設計師品牌, ROCKET X LUNCH相當多產, 每年推出4個系列, 在韓國與國際舞台上都極為活躍。趣味性設計, 搶眼細節與流行性元素, ROCKET X LUNCH是潮人眼中兼具時尚、質感與平價的品牌。 3. Among Among注重衣服與人之間的關係: 穿著者、設計師以及欣賞者。為了在芸芸品牌中嶄露頭角, Among堅持在平凡中演繹出不平凡的設計。偏柔和色調與boxy的剪裁, 有趣而富有個性感, 他們家的衣服都有著不一般的故事性。 4. Recto 由Jung Ji Yeon創立的韓國新晉品牌。RECTO是印刷術語, 在法語裡意指一張紙的正面, 象徵著品牌的開創之旅。Recto同時也傳遞了正式與中性互相融合的抽象意義。對於中性, Recto自有一套見解: 將男裝與女裝的輪廓結合, 柔美卻硬朗。簡約鮮明的剪裁, 大膽的色調讓性別界限變得更模糊。 5.MAG&LOGAN 韓國著名設計師品牌, 經典又極具女人味。夫妻檔合創的Mag and Logan被譽為「紅地氈№1晚禮服」, 深受明星藝人喜愛, 亦是首爾時裝週的常客。 6. … Continue reading ZALORA 獨家! 韓國潮流品牌Pop-Up

COLLEGE 101: Advice For Every Freshman

Going off to college marks the beginning of a fresh start, even if you’re in your sophomore or senior years. Each semester brings new promise and opportunity. For freshmen, college can appear intimidating, and the unfamiliarity of the environment, coupled with the newfound freedom can prove to be a sort of sensory overload. To get the most out of college, here are a few things … Continue reading COLLEGE 101: Advice For Every Freshman

Tips To Let Your Leather Age Gracefully

With every mark or scratch on your leather bag there holds a memory or story that is close to your heart. With some parts darker than the other, it shows how long this very leather accessory has been with you. Yes, I am talking about leather patina (aged leather). Although many companies have tried to manually replicate leather patina, we know that it will never … Continue reading Tips To Let Your Leather Age Gracefully


Founded in 1986, PENSHOPPE is one of the pioneers in the fashion retail industry with its wide range of on-trend apparel and accessories. Known for its stylish casual wear, Penshoppe is recognized internationally with stores in the Philippines, Indonesia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Bahrain, UAE, Cambodia, Vietnam, and soon in other ASEAN countries. By providing on-trend casual wear and accessories at an affordable … Continue reading PENSHOPPE NOW ON ZALORA

5 Ways To Match Statement Pieces For Every Jewellery Fanatic

Have you ever been in a spot where you are pretty much done with your shopping but when you reach the check-out counter, there is an array of sparkling statement pieces that are just waiting there for you to buy them? Yes, I am one of them. Guilty of counter grabbing! But hey, counter grabbing is not necessarily bad. In fact accessories are my go … Continue reading 5 Ways To Match Statement Pieces For Every Jewellery Fanatic

9 Types Of Shoes Every Sneaker-Head Should Know!

Like the foodie or the photo geek, the sneaker heads are a breed on their own who have a special love and passion for shoes. Although, they might look like they are playing the effortless look, with numerous sneaker companies coming up with unique designs and trends, the sneaker-heads have their own share of shopping dilemma. So to solve the confusion, we have got 9 … Continue reading 9 Types Of Shoes Every Sneaker-Head Should Know!

Work To Weekend Wear

You’ve met the style insiders and you’ve had a look around ZALORA HQ, now meet a handful of our fashion gurus as we ask them about this season’s trendiest and affordable work to weekend wear which makes their fashion insides twitch. Plus they unveil their style tricks and hidden secrets that are a rite of passage in the world of ZALORA.  Amanda Tan — Fashion Stylist Who … Continue reading Work To Weekend Wear

The Stars From Milan Fashion Week

The Italian front rows were awash with a mix of models, singers, actresses and style mavens dominating and getting up-close with the latest designs to come from Gucci, Prada and major brands whilst also rocking the never before seen collection themselves. We take a look at the best dressed of the front row whilst also spying a few must-copy outfits we’ll be trying to replicate … Continue reading The Stars From Milan Fashion Week

Meet Our Style Insiders

DIONE SONG, MARKETING DIRECTOR With a one-of-a-kind love for androgynous, relaxed cuts in a monochrome colour palette, Dione Song’s style is hard to miss and and she is undoubtedly one of the most uniquely stylish employees here at ZALORA. Her daily outfit consists of clever layers of textures in black or white and longline silhouettes, which she finishes off with a pair of masculine brogues, … Continue reading Meet Our Style Insiders

Shop The Look — Ryan Gosling

Some describe him as a god. Okay, that’s most women, but to be fair, they’re not too far off — especially given his stern bad boy stare in the 2011 film, Drive. Swoon! Apart from good looks, his style is also bang on point. The sexy brooder even managed to snag Eva Mendes as his wife and mother to his gorgeous baby girl — he’s definitely more than just … Continue reading Shop The Look — Ryan Gosling

6 Shades of Luck

“2016 is the year of the Fire Feng Shui Element — the Fire Monkey. To fill your year with even more luck and energy, we unveil the six colours you should introduce into your wardrobe — to be in harmony with the energy of the year and befriend the ruling Fiery Monkey energy. So go forth and energise yourself and your wardrobe with our top picks from each of … Continue reading 6 Shades of Luck

4 Spring/Summer Trends That You Will See Everywhere in 2016

This year, we have witnessed many colours, styles, textures and designs take turns to dominate the streets and runways. In the ever-changing, ever-competitive fashion scene, we are always imagining and predicting trends that will surface and take the world by storm in the upcoming season. And with every end of the year, we cannot just look back and reflect on which viral songs and videos … Continue reading 4 Spring/Summer Trends That You Will See Everywhere in 2016

5 Must-Have Pieces To Stand Out At Clockenflap 2015

Hong Kong’s biggest music and arts festival, Clockenflap, is just around the corner! For those who haven’t been able to make it to Glastonbury or Coachella, Clockenflap is THE annual affair to look forward to. A whole weekend of picnicking, grooving to really cool artistes (the 2013 edition fulfilled my teenage dream of watching Glasgow boys Franz Ferdinand live) — what’s there not to love? Just like … Continue reading 5 Must-Have Pieces To Stand Out At Clockenflap 2015