
雖說女生愛鞋,但男生們對潮鞋的熱愛也絕不遜色!ZALORA為你精選5款本年度最熱賣的設計,讓你可以看看2016的流行走勢。要走在潮流尖端,一對時尚靚鞋當然不可缺少! 24:01雲石紋拖鞋 最暢銷男裝鞋第一位,竟然是拖鞋?看到這對拖鞋的設計,你便會明白原因!雲石紋是2016年的大熱元素,特別是深受潮人喜愛的雲石紋電話殼,幾乎人手一個!這對拖鞋看似簡單,但印花卻確實市面罕見,難怪如此熱賣! 2. 24:01幾何印花拖鞋 香港是個冬短夏長的城市,所以穿著短衫短褲的日子也比較多。這對幾何印花拖鞋百搭易襯、平凡中帶點不平凡,無論日常逛街或到海邊玩樂都同樣合適,足以成為暢銷榜第二位! 3. ZALORA 迷彩印花輕便鞋 在懶洋洋的週末,當然需要一對休閒鞋陪襯!這對輕便鞋舒適好穿,免綁鞋帶無煩惱。迷彩暗花圖案為你的街頭造型注入搶眼亮點,令簡單的T恤牛仔褲造型都可格外出眾! 4. ZALORA牛津皮鞋 無論你是否每天出入辦公室,一對得體大方的皮鞋都是「看門口」的必備配搭。在穿著西裝或想打扮更加講究時,就會需要一對設計時尚的牛津皮鞋。簡約的款式經典耐看,絕對值得入手。 5. ZALORA 布面運動鞋 2016年的運動穿搭風潮令不少運動服飾變得流行。想低調地為日常打扮注入潮味,這對運動鞋便最適合不過。灰色鞋面與白色鞋底形成搶眼對比,無論配搭牛仔褲或jogger pants都同樣好看。 Continue reading 5大最暢銷男裝鞋

Ballet Flats From Day To Night

These dainty pieces of footwear enjoyed a fashion resurrection after Audrey Hepburn wore them in a song-and-dance number for the movie Funny Face in 1957. Since then, ballet flats have proven to be a wardrobe mainstay and provided endless outfit versatility for fans of fashion for decades. This post will prove to all you women that the ballerina flat is not to be messed with. … Continue reading Ballet Flats From Day To Night

Get Stylishly Comfortable With 5 Types of Flats

There will be days when you shun those height-boosting heels and slip your feet into a pair of flat shoes. Though flats have always been in the shadow of high heels, research has shown that they are a healthier alternative to high heels for your body. As a practical choice of footwear, this genre of shoes have been cemented as a basic wardrobe staple for … Continue reading Get Stylishly Comfortable With 5 Types of Flats

4 Fun Ways To Style Sneaker Shoes

Let’s be real; as much as we love how high heels and towering platforms make our legs look infinitely long and slim, we just cannot be wearing them all the time. Give your tired feet a break with some cool yet comfortable shoes that perfectly complete that enviable androgynous look and look good with just about anything in your wardrobe. From dresses to jeans, sneakers … Continue reading 4 Fun Ways To Style Sneaker Shoes