Beauty Essentials for Any Trip (And How to Fit Them Into Your Luggage)

Original Content From Thread SG When it comes to packing your travel beauty essentials, no matter how many times you write a checklist, you always forget something that you need. Remembering that everything has to be under 100ml for the plane, what you actually need on a plane and what you’ll need whilst you’re there can be a bit of a headache. So this list … Continue reading Beauty Essentials for Any Trip (And How to Fit Them Into Your Luggage)

5 Key Tips for First-Time Solo Travellers

Original Content From Thread SG Travelling solo may sound daunting, but it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll ever gain. Sure, it’s fun to travel with company, but there are also many reasons to fly solo: not only do you get to travel according to your own schedule and preference, you also get some valuable alone time and learn to venture into … Continue reading 5 Key Tips for First-Time Solo Travellers

5 Easily Overlooked Things When Choosing A Bali Villa One of the world’s most popular destinations for those seeking sun, sand, sea, and everything else, Bali is an island and province that is home to about 4 million people. Notably termed by many as Island of God, villas are aplenty on this island and it is natural for them to pop into mind when one thinks of a vacation in Bali. From villas … Continue reading 5 Easily Overlooked Things When Choosing A Bali Villa

8大單身族 — — 妳是哪一種?

踏入26歲, 好像身邊的好友都已經找到命中注定的一位, 唯獨妳還是弧單一人。踏入26歲, 妳開始在社交媒體上不停看到朋友們張貼訂婚、結婚, 甚至可愛寶寶的照片。踏入26歲, 朋友們在與摯愛享受人生, 又或者籌備告別單身派對。妳的好友們看來已經安頓好人生, 找到屬於兩小口的舒適區。 然後看看自己 — — 週末晚上參加睡衣派對, 在Netflix看著重播的《Gilmore Girl》。當然, 有部分人享受單身的樂趣。但有時我們也會感到寂寞, 想想為什麼沒有另一半與自己分享生活上的大小事情。 當街裡愛人一對對, 難免會想起只有自己一個。尤其在光棍節這種為單身人士而設的節日, 妳開始覺得要自己快樂才是最重要。購物網站和各大品牌都跟妳說: 「寵愛自己!」, 告訴妳用購物療法去忘記單身的寂寞, 有時購物比起擁有伴侶更加開心。 購物絕不是為了踢走內心的空虛; 相反, 無論是單身抑或已婚, 我們應該要令自己過得更開心。以下看看妳到底是哪一種單身貴族: 其實自己一個更開心 妳獨立堅強, 不需要依賴他人。妳喜歡單身, 嚮往自由, 享受一個人的時光。就算目不轉睛地看著其他型男/美女, 都不怕另一半呷醋。與朋友和家人一起就已經感到滿足, 追求自己的目標就已經過得充實。當有人問妳為什麼還不談戀愛, 妳會說: 「緣分要來便來。」 2. 失戀療傷中 剛剛經歷分手, 妳急著找下一位填補生命的空白。妳不知道怎樣面對單身, 而且為了盡快減輕傷痛,妳幾乎可以接受所有類型。 3. 約會中的單身族 名義上妳是單身一族, 但實際上, 妳的約會多到填滿行程表。每天都與交友App認識的人聊天、約會。妳主張分散投資, 而且不需要安定的生活。到底妳是情場玩家, 抑或害怕許下承諾? 4. 對愛情無限憧憬 當聽到朋友的訂婚故事, 妳總是露出渴望的神情。妳熱愛浪漫愛情喜劇, 期望遇到最純潔的真愛。妳希望找到與自己最夾最相襯的心靈伴侶 (外表討好也不錯), 妳地的相處也會更輕鬆舒服。 (然而, 妳看到朋友與男友的甜蜜可能是經過無數次爭吵磨合, 才擁有現在的幸福生活。當妳面對不如童話般美好的現實時, 可能就會輕易放棄。) 5. 擇偶標準極高 要得到妳的留意, 甚至贏得妳的歡心, 一定要是條件好好, 非常特別的男生。無法滿足妳的標準的男生, 都不用奢想可以成為妳的男朋友。妳寧願單身, 都不想浪漫時間和心機在「錯」的人身上。別人說妳挑剔妳絕不同意, 妳只是清楚自己想要什麼, … Continue reading 8大單身族 — — 妳是哪一種?

COLLEGE 101: Advice For Every Freshman

Going off to college marks the beginning of a fresh start, even if you’re in your sophomore or senior years. Each semester brings new promise and opportunity. For freshmen, college can appear intimidating, and the unfamiliarity of the environment, coupled with the newfound freedom can prove to be a sort of sensory overload. To get the most out of college, here are a few things … Continue reading COLLEGE 101: Advice For Every Freshman

Simple And Easy Ways To Lose Weight

It’s not that hard to cut down on excess calories. A few tiny adjustments to your diets will suffice-you’ll be seeing the results in no time! Refer to these four simple calorie-cutting tips and tricks to help achieve your weight loss goals! 1. Bye Bye Sugary Drinks: Ladies and gentlemen, you’ll be surprised at how much sugar your can of Coca Cola and Minute Maid … Continue reading Simple And Easy Ways To Lose Weight

James Holder — Founder, Brand & Design Director of Superdry

James Holder is the Founder, Brand and Design Director of Superdry, one of the most successful lifestyle brands that is favoured by millions across the world. Now available on ZALORA we speak to the man behind the brand and learn how Julian Dunkerton (Founder, Product and Brand Director) and himself made their idea into a reality. James it seems has always been an entrepreneur, by … Continue reading James Holder — Founder, Brand & Design Director of Superdry

5 Tips To Deal With Procrastination

We have all dealt with phenomenon of procrastination at some point of our lives (even now, this writer is dealing with it while typing such an article out). Procrastination happens when there is a gap between intended and enacted behaviour, meaning we put off doing certain tasks that we are supposed to do. But remember, putting off an unimportant task does not mean that it’s … Continue reading 5 Tips To Deal With Procrastination