
女士們別怕,這裡有你必學的挑選技巧 Photo by Jakub Gorajek on Unsplash 曾經何時,你有試過站在唇膏專櫃前整整5分鐘,手上拿滿各種色號,但卻始終猶豫不決?這份指南能幫你做出決定! https://media.giphy.com/media/1Uabj0QDFQ7As/giphy.gif 第一步: 清楚自己需求 https://media.giphy.com/media/xUA7b0RgJ296MVY6C4/giphy.gif 要選自己命中註定的唇膏,以下這2點關鍵因素不可忽略: 膚色深淺 如果你是化妝達人,心裡應該已經清楚自己最適合那個色號!但如果你是新手,不用不知所措,只要在天然光線下觀察自己的皮膚,一般膚色可分為幾個類別:白皙、偏白、自然色、偏黑、深色。 2. 肌膚色調 你皮膚屬於暖色調、中性調還是冷色調?一個最簡單的方法,就是觀察自己的血管。如果呈現藍/紫色,你很有可能是冷色調。如果你是綠色血管,則屬於暖色調。以上皆不是的話,就有機會是中性色調。 第二步: 尋找自己喜歡什麼 https://gph.is/1NUYSEu 知道自己膚色深淺和肌膚色調後,可以去尋找適合自己的幾個選項,再探索哪個令你心潮澎湃。 白皙或偏白膚色最適合珊瑚紅、桃色和裸色。 自然膚色與玫瑰、紫紅色和莓色最為相襯。 偏深膚色最好搭配珊瑚紅色或粉紅色。 深膚色的與啡色、紫色和酒紅色搭配最出色。 第三步: 唇膏妝感 https://gph.is/15zSU7J 唇膏是化妝步驟的最後一步,關係著整個妝容,所以唇膏的妝感可以說是至關重要。 不同的妝感的唇膏,如啞光、亮面、膏狀、絨面和霧面都各自適合在不同場景擦。 霧面、啞光或絨面是OL的最佳選擇之一,因為效果夠持久,如此就不用擔心要重覆塗抹了! 光面或比較膏狀的唇膏最適合出夜街的女士們,因為夠閃亮有光澤,你的嘴唇絕對會令你整夜成為全場焦點! 第四步: 踏出comfort zone https://gph.is/1Z8QlIo 最後,盡情享受和探索吧!要謹記,規則是用來打破的。:) 讓我們知道你的命定唇膏是哪個吧! By Claudia Tay for THREAD SG READ MORE: Continue reading 點樣挑選自己嘅命定唇膏?


By putry evyna from THREAD SG 購買唇膏時,我們通常傾向於同一種或類似色調,結果相同顏色的唇膏堆積如山,但妝容就永遠單一風格。不妨放膽來個小突破 — — 即使是上班,其實還是有很多其他顏色的唇膏上得「檯面」。 以下就和大家分享一些值得一試的經典唇膏顏色: 橙色 熱情活潑的橙色無疑是除紅色外最sharp醒的顏色。橙色唇膏不但繽紛和充滿活力,也不會讓人覺得你是蛇蠍美女(妖豔女人總是大紅唇登場!),而且適合搭配任何服飾,重點是任何膚色都能輕鬆駕馭。 Benefit Chachabalm 果漾潤唇膏 粉紅色 厭棄粉紅色太淡色不夠出?那你真的走寶了!其實粉紅色有多種色調,從淺淺的baby pink到飽和的桃紅,甚至熒光粉都有。除非你皮膚白到沒有血色,否則你怎能抗拒迷人又帶點無辜感、上班和休閒場合都合適的粉紅色唇膏? Popstar Cosmetics Popstar Cosmetics 絲絨啞致唇液 Venus 紫色 曾被視為「非主流」的冷門紫色唇膏,現已漸漸為人接受(全靠一眾KOL和名人!)。從紫丁香色等淡色系到搶眼大膽的紫紅、酒紅色,紫色唇膏已逐漸在世界各地的上班場所普及化。 如果你準備挑戰誇張一點的妝容,紫色唇膏絕對是你的首選。 Pure Cosmetics 附小燈唇彩 裸色 我們總有想要低調一些的時刻,這就是裸色唇膏大派用場之時 — — 散發中性、年輕的感覺,輕輕一塗即可營造裸妝感。 貼心提示:要注意裸色唇膏的搭配,一個失手有機會令妳看起來好似病一樣或毫無存在感。 Jane Iredale 保濕護唇膏 SPF15 — Buff 你最喜歡哪種色的唇膏?在下方留言告訴我們吧! READ MORE: Continue reading 唇膏唔一定要紅色!盤點4種搶眼唇膏顏色

How To Rock A Bold Lipstick Like Your Favourite Korean Celebrities

Photo: Instagram — Park Shin Hye, Lee Sung Kyung Original Content by Nurhuda Halim from THREAD SG While celebrities make it seem easy to pull off a bold lip, it’s not so simple when we regular folk try it out ourselves. Even slathering on a red lipstick can feel too much after staring at yourself a few times in the mirror. I think we all know that feeling all … Continue reading How To Rock A Bold Lipstick Like Your Favourite Korean Celebrities

5 Ways To Use A Lipstick NOT As A Lipstick

Original Content from Putry Evyna Thread SG via pexels On average, we have at least four lipsticks lying around in our bag or makeup pouches. At times, a lone lipstick is all we have. Luckily, in emergency situations, lipsticks don’t only serve as lipsticks, but as other makeup products too! Here are five ways you can use a lipstick not as a lipstick: 1. Lipstick … Continue reading 5 Ways To Use A Lipstick NOT As A Lipstick

Transform Your Look With These Lip Colours

Source: Pinterest “Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-ass red lipstick.” — Gwyneth Paltrow Lipstick has the amazing transformative power of being able to change women’s moods drastically, in a positive way of course. Thanks to all the shades of lipstick being displayed on this year’s runway, we all now know the impact of bold lips upon the overall … Continue reading Transform Your Look With These Lip Colours

4 Alternative Ways To Use Your Makeup

Don’t you just love it when a makeup product is able to perform more than one job well? Makeup can be a lot of fun to play around with, what with the multitude of colours, finishes and all. Like how we mix and match different clothing pieces to create incredibly fashionable outfits, using one makeup product in multiple different ways to create a variety of … Continue reading 4 Alternative Ways To Use Your Makeup