10 Movie Plot Twists You Never Saw Coming

Everyone must love a plot twist when they see one. For what better way to end a great movie but with a killer finish. Some twists can leave you either in shock, disappointment or sheer pleasure but love them we must for that’s what made the movie so memorable. The movie plot twists we’re about to reveal contain spoiler alerts so be warned! 1. THE … Continue reading 10 Movie Plot Twists You Never Saw Coming

What To Expect When Your Favourite Novel Becomes A Movie

There’s no doubt about the fact that a movie with a great storyline makes for an entertaining watch. Once a novel becomes a best-seller, it makes complete sense for its screen adaptation to take place, thus tapping onto the novel’s already existing fanbase, and even creating new fans. Book to film adaptations are not a new phenomenon, with readers creating casting predictions based on their … Continue reading What To Expect When Your Favourite Novel Becomes A Movie

Attack Of The Superheroes!

Superheroes have a strong influence on our society, from their appearance, relationships, the way they talk and what they represent. They have fascinated us from when we were kids even till adulthood, in more ways than one. To some of us, superheroes embody the most valued qualities of society, from their overly exaggerated physical appearances to their role in fighting for justice, superpowers and even … Continue reading Attack Of The Superheroes!