
三月來到尾聲,又是季中特賣開始的時候了!ZALORA為你準備了不同限時優惠,大量折扣單品等你發掘,自問是精明消費者的你又怎能錯過?無論是時裝、鞋子、手袋或飾物,這次特賣都應有盡有,更有多個品牌優惠,皆大歡喜! 這次特賣將會歷時近三個星期,除了多款重點減價貨品,更會不定時推出flash sale,讓你購物抵上加抵! 大量女裝服飾低至半價,包括上衣、褲子、連身裙、高跟鞋等,參與品牌包括Aldo、Ray-Ban、Mango等等,品牌粉絲絕對不能錯過! 男裝方面,特賣參與品牌包括Superdry、Topman、Timberland、Herschel等,多款時尚恤衫、運動鞋、衛衣、牛仔褲等你選購,為迎接新一季做好準備。  季中特賣由3月24日開始,想緊貼優惠資訊的話,便要多多留意網站及流動應用程式了。機會難逢,別再猶豫! Continue reading 季中特賣:血拼前做足準備!

Facts You Need To Know About Online Fever

Yes, the deals and discounts that you got for Singles Day may have been amazing. But get ready for something even bigger on 12th December — because the Online Fever flash sale awaits! If you did not manage to get whatever you wanted then, it is still not too late to reward yourself for having survived yet another year. Get ready your fingers (and of course, your … Continue reading Facts You Need To Know About Online Fever