Here’s What Girls With Great Skin Do

Ever wondered what women with excellent skin have in common? The following skincare habits: 1. Cleanse your skin A crucial step to having a clean face, you only need to cleanse your face once a day, preferably in the evenings. Allow the cleanser to sit on your skin for a few minutes after applying it, and wash off thoroughly with lukewarm water. 2. Protect yourself … Continue reading Here’s What Girls With Great Skin Do

Your Night Time Beauty Regimen All Sorted

Who doesn’t want to look like a goddess when they wake up in the morning? Whilst getting plenty of sleep at night definitely helps towards achieving great skin, investing in some tender lovin’ care for your epidermis right before you hit the sack acts as a catalyst in the process. Cultivate these before-bed beauty habits alongside your daytime skincare routine, and watch the magic unfold … Continue reading Your Night Time Beauty Regimen All Sorted

You Don’t Need Highlighters For Glowing Skin

Move over matte make-up! Glowy, pearly-faced skin is clearly gaining favourable ground over a flat visage. If you’re in the know, you’ll have noticed the emergence of highlighters everywhere, in a bid to achieve luminous skin. This might be especially problematic for those with oily or combination skin, and the usage of highlighters can add excessive shine to your already oily complexion. Never mind all … Continue reading You Don’t Need Highlighters For Glowing Skin

Stop! You’re Washing Your Face All Wrong

Washing your face is of utmost importance, we all know that. Not putting enough effort into maintaining your skin can result in a variety of problems, such as acne, clogged pores, excess oil, etc. A good wash can help in the prevention of bad skin. However, the question is whether or not you are caring for your skin in the right way. Improper facial washing … Continue reading Stop! You’re Washing Your Face All Wrong

Want Glowing Skin? Get Fruity!

Previously, you all read about the goodness of certain fruits for overall health in this article, but did you know that there is much more than you can do with these fruits? For instance, you can turn them into a beauty accessory! Yes, that’s right, you can create wonderful face packs and masks with fruits, and a few other simple household ingredients. Skip the exorbitant … Continue reading Want Glowing Skin? Get Fruity!

4 Reasons To Apply Sunscreen Religiously

By now, you would have heard or read about this piece of advice in an article online or from your best friends. It IS important to wear sunscreen daily! While you may have heard this everywhere, you may also need a little reminder of why this habit is so important. So if you haven’t really incorporated sunscreen into your daily routine, take a look at … Continue reading 4 Reasons To Apply Sunscreen Religiously

3 Important Reasons To Exfoliate Skin

Taking note of what we wear, whether they are trendy new tops or bottoms, is imperative in nailing the look of a well-dressed fashionista. But caring for your skin is equally important. Most of us tend to just stick to the same skin care basics: cleanse, moisturise and sun protection. But there is also another crucial part of our skincare routine that we shouldn’t neglect: … Continue reading 3 Important Reasons To Exfoliate Skin

4 Reasons To Love Facial Mists

While dressing in the most fashionable threads is crucial in sprucing up your look, taking care of your skin is equally important. These days, facial mists have become the go-to product for a refreshing mid-day pick-me-up and an indispensable part of our skincare and even makeup routines. Originally developed as a dermatological product to be used for burn patients in hospitals, the range of mists … Continue reading 4 Reasons To Love Facial Mists