Spring/Summer 2019 Trends to Pull Off for The New Year

By Dini Azri from THREAD MY Despite the many things that happened in 2018, can we agree on one thing though? It was quite an interesting year in terms of fashion. We saw sportswear everywhere, resell culture taking over the market, the revival of the ’90s style, and many more that definitely caught our attention. Now that the year is coming to a close, we bid … Continue reading Spring/Summer 2019 Trends to Pull Off for The New Year

Trend Tutorial: Back To The 80s

Brighter, bigger, bolder Original Content from Nica Dobles Thread PH After years of minimalism, the fashion world’s been trending back to the other side of the spectrum over the past season or two. Maximalism is the new name of the game, and nothing embodies that concept more than the 1980s — the decade of big hair, loud colors, and bold outfit choices. Plus with 80’s nostalgia coming strong … Continue reading Trend Tutorial: Back To The 80s

Trend Tutorial: Lingerie-Inspired OOTDs

Light & airy ensembles to take you from dreamland to daytime Original Content from Nica Dobles Thread PH Photo by Bin Thiều/Unsplash We’re always on the lookout for easy outfits to help us deal with the sometimes-oppressive summer heat, so we’re pretty excited that lingerie-inspried dressing is having a moment. This trend might sound a little risqué, but not to worry — we’ve got your guide on how … Continue reading Trend Tutorial: Lingerie-Inspired OOTDs

Trend Tutorial (Office Edition): From Work to Play

Original Content from Thread SG Because the question of what to wear to work comes back to haunt us every day from Monday to Friday, we’ve decided to put together a guide on how to throw together an outfit that is 9-to-5 appropriate. And just to be clear, office-appropriate doesn’t mean boring or stuffy. Whether your office conservative, sophisticated, or casual and creative, here are … Continue reading Trend Tutorial (Office Edition): From Work to Play

ZALORA 潮流動向﹕古典浪漫

Translated From Joyce Chua Thread SG 喜愛蕾絲和荷葉邊的女生有個好消息﹕古典風格不再是老套的象徵,更成為今季主流,在時裝界牽起一股文藝復興熱潮。 除此之外,巴洛克風格亦再次冒起,,與維多利亞風格一同迷倒眾生。 維多利亞風和巴洛克風看似一樣,本質卻截然不同﹕前者採用蕾絲、荷葉邊設計,配搭粉紅色、灰色、粉色等柔和色調;相反,後者使用誇張突出圖案,以黑色、金色、深紅色、湖水綠等深色系。 你不能錯過的古典浪漫風設計細節﹕ 蝴蝶結和領帶 法國國王路易十三曾僱用克羅地亞僱傭兵,並在他們的軍服領口位置圍上布料。這舉動使領帶首次成為身份象徵的配飾。時至今日,領帶和蝴蝶結畫龍點睛的效果仍然出色。如果想為造型加上更多巴洛克特色,不妨考慮選購誇張圖案花紋的領帶和蝴蝶結。 繡花和嵌花 維多利亞時期元素帶有迷人的特質,讓人難以忘懷的同時,更是時裝界的長期寵兒。2018年春季系列設計師採用印花布料、流線剪裁,再加上蕾絲繡花,將浪漫時期的皇室氣派發揮得臨漓盡致。 立體下擺 毫無疑問,結構細節能為衣服帶來驚豔的效果,但如果想在人群突出,就不能錯過立體下擺。無論是不對稱、波浪邊,還是荷葉邊,使造型型格之餘又不失嫵媚。你更可以大玩材質拼搭,從微細設計盡見無限心思。 誇張滾邊 如果你是個膽小鬼,這個造型絕不適合你!流蘇和滾邊為整個造型帶來動感,肯定能夠成為眾人焦點所在。想更加浮誇?不如為流蘇裙配上喇叭袖上衣,絕對是吸睛的好選擇。 大膽圖案 特大圖案、花紋和刺繡,三者都是構成出色獨特時裝的精髓。不論是巴洛克風格圖案,還是新藝術運動花紋,都能為服飾加入奢華感覺,讓你輕鬆融入每個場合。 你最喜歡哪個設計細節?記得留言告訴我們! Continue reading ZALORA 潮流動向﹕古典浪漫

Topman — The New Rules

Originally posted on ZCOOP Singapore Forget what you’ve heard, this season Topman is presenting five new style commandments guaranteed to upgrade your look without requiring a full wardrobe overhaul. Check out ZALORA’s top picks for each rule! TUCK IT IN Out is out. Whether it’s a sharp knit or a relaxed tee — make sure you tuck it in. In school you’d defiantly untuck your shirt, leaving it … Continue reading Topman — The New Rules

This Season’s Must-Haves To Keep Your Look Fun, Fresh and Flirty!

Looking fun, fresh and flirty is all about lace, subtle florals and of course, crop tops. You want to look exuberant and chic without going over the top. Stick to pantone’s colours of the year, periwinkle and rose quartz for that aura of sophistication. We curated a list of must-haves you need in your wardrobe to refresh your look and inject some fun into it: … Continue reading This Season’s Must-Haves To Keep Your Look Fun, Fresh and Flirty!

When You’re Pretty Tough: Tomboy Chic

Source: Pinterest So you’re hella tough (at least, that is how you would like to portray yourself), but you’re secretly a fluffy pink marshmallow inside. How do you reconcile these polarizing aspects of your personality? By dressing it out, of course! No, Tomboy chic has nothing to do with dressing like a boy (power to you if you love draping yourself in men’s clothes). Yes, … Continue reading When You’re Pretty Tough: Tomboy Chic

Head Over Heels No More: Hello, Sneakers!

There are enough arguments out there in favour of heels-about how they give your legs the illusionary appearance of being longer, of how they’re sophisticated and classy. Let’s face it, heels are also supremely uncomfortable, and the pain starts to kick in especially after extended periods of having worn them. If comfort reigns superior for you (as it should), ditch those heels are wear flashy … Continue reading Head Over Heels No More: Hello, Sneakers!

Ladies, Here Are The Fall/Winter 2016 Trends You’ll Surely Love

Just because we live in climates which are not-so-cold, does not mean that we can’t take a fashion page or two out of this year’s Fall/Winter collections. Even if thick jackets or overcoats do not sit well in tropical conditions, there’s a lot more we can experiment with. There’s a whole world of hues and patterns just waiting to become a part of our wardrobes. … Continue reading Ladies, Here Are The Fall/Winter 2016 Trends You’ll Surely Love

Spring/Summer 2016 Womenswear Trends: Must Haves For Your Wardrobe

Nostalgia-if one word could be used to describe this year’s Spring Summer womenswear collection, that would be it. Inspired heavily by the trends of yore, it was a historical love affair with fashion and women’s clothing, as designers transported us as far back as the 19th century with their dated, yet beautiful garments. If you have a thing or two for vintage womenswear, give this … Continue reading Spring/Summer 2016 Womenswear Trends: Must Haves For Your Wardrobe

Take Note Of These Fall/Winter 2016 Menswear Trends!

In our sub-tropical part of the world, taking Fall/Winter cues from Paris and London is setting us up for an uncomfortable dress style. Forget the leather jackets and beige wool coats! This season is all about taking athleisure to a new level, incorporating quirky prints as well as revisiting an old favourite, androgynous fashion. 1. Activewear: Athleisure took us by storm with big sporting labels … Continue reading Take Note Of These Fall/Winter 2016 Menswear Trends!

Spring/Summer 2016 Menswear: Trends To Take Note Of

The start of the year is the time to break old habits and to dress to impress. With the Lunar New Year coming up, men’s wardrobe choices would be smarter. Some things do not change though, as the basic need for comfort and functionality will always guide a guy’s selection in apparel. Here are the predictions into what will be more popular for the first … Continue reading Spring/Summer 2016 Menswear: Trends To Take Note Of

Ladies, Watch Out For These Trends In 2017!

Over here at ZALORA, we’ve been anticipating what’s going to be hot next year in terms of colours, prints and styles. Here’s a heads-up from our side, so that you always stay in the know about the happenings of the fashion world. Use this as a handy guide to carry out some much needed spring cleaning. Say goodbye to outdated fashion trends, and say hello … Continue reading Ladies, Watch Out For These Trends In 2017!

2016 Trend Rankings: Women’s Top 5 Picks

Ladies, if you’ve been clueless about latest fashion trends, we’re here to fill you in on all the goings-on of the fashion world. This time round, the hottest picks are flirty and feminine, as our data revealed this quarter’s favourites to be flare dresses, ballerinas and cotton shirts. 1. Flare dress: Clinched at the waist, these delightful A-Line numbers are incredibly versatile-they can double up … Continue reading 2016 Trend Rankings: Women’s Top 5 Picks

5 Ageless Fashion Staples To Invest In

We travel through life at a pretty breakneck speed. It’s not just us who changes-our wardrobe metamorphosizes as we move through different stages of life. If we’re in school, it’s uniforms we need to wear. As we proceed to college, our wardrobes are either filled with yoga pants or ill-fitting suits, depending on our priorities. As we advance into the workforce, we’re suddenly forced to … Continue reading 5 Ageless Fashion Staples To Invest In

5 Gifts Your Father Will Truly Appreciate

For all you clueless folks out there who have yet to start planning a Father’s Day gift for your dads, let this article be your guide. Use this list as a last minute resort, and take some cues on what to present to your father if you’re completely unsure about your father’s preferences. There are some staple items which all dads appreciate, and this article … Continue reading 5 Gifts Your Father Will Truly Appreciate

When High Street Fashion Meets Everyday Officewear

Every now and then, the desire to strut down a runway wearing the chicest of outfits awakens within us. But most of us are not genetically blessed enough to be doing so on an actual runway. For such times, we can always borrow ideas from what’s hot on the catwalk and incorporate them into our everyday work wear. Whilst a lot of institutions come with … Continue reading When High Street Fashion Meets Everyday Officewear