
期盼已久的冬天,終於來到啦!下星期立冬,而香港亦終於感受得到清涼乾爽的天氣,對一眾蠢蠢欲動、想要為衣櫥換新裝的潮人來說絕對是個好消息!還未添置衣服的妳,知道今個秋冬的流行穿搭走勢嗎?無論是斯文大方的淑女打扮抑或有型有款的街頭穿搭,每年總有一兩款不得不買的重點設計。立即來看看2016的冬季注目保暖單品吧! 高領毛衣 ( 由左至右: http://wear.jp/ungrid1010/8367979/, http://wear.jp/mizuho0810/8366709/) 復古穿搭於本年繼續流行,所以很多80年代服飾都捲土重來,被各大品牌重新包裝,成為充滿個性的日常穿搭。毛衣一直都是禦寒的必備保暖單品,但16年秋冬潮流的重點落於復古高領上。厚實的毛冷翻領設計不但非常溫暖,更能令造型變得高貴大氣,彷如大衣上的毛領。灰色毛衣最為百搭,當然黑白色也是必不可缺的經典配搭。白色毛衣溫柔可人,最適合配搭卡其、粉紅等服飾,營造甜美感覺;黑色毛衣型格神秘,配上迷你裙及過膝長靴,即可完成超搶眼辣妹形象! 2. 紅色格仔圍巾 ( 由左至右: http://wear.jp/bbtyb092/8336269/, http://wear.jp/yume20131119/8321547/) 每年秋冬,無論歐美或日本品牌都會推出英倫味濃的紅色格仔圍巾。這款單品不但容易配襯,看似一式一樣卻又不盡相同。最經典的蘇格蘭格仔Tartan由數種顏色縱橫交錯而成,於正紅底色上組成格紋圖案,就如左圖。這款格仔萬年不敗,充滿聖誕感覺而且可以配搭任何造型,但市面上有很多變奏版本,如深紅底色配以藍格。雖然格仔圍巾變化多端,但不變的是,搶眼獨特的紅色最能點綴沉色造型。妳更可把圍巾當成披肩,保暖同時為打扮增添層次。 3. 羽絨背心 ( 由左至右: http://wear.jp/mue/8214445/, http://wear.jp/maarimo196/8322943/) 香港人最愛的冬天保暖服飾,非羽絨外套莫屬!要把厚厚的外套穿出時尚感,就算潮流達人都未必會有十足把握。要減低臃腫感覺,不妨選擇羽絨背心。無袖設計看起來非常輕盈,同樣做到為身軀保暖的效果,而且有型有款。黑色羽絨背心看起來有點像避彈衣,充滿個性街頭味道。無論配搭牛仔褲或半截裙都同樣好看的這件單品,絕對是冬季衣櫥的必備設計。 Continue reading 冬天來了!3大保暖時尚單品

Step-By-Step Pastel Makeup Tutorial for Fall/Winter

I’m currently obsessed with pastel colors. Even though pastels are rarely worn for everyday colors, I think this Fall Winter is the time to pop up some pastel colors here and there to feel the coziness in soft baby colors. So, here I’m showing you Pastel Makeup Tutorial using Paul and Joe eye color in 001, which this look can totally be worn everyday when … Continue reading Step-By-Step Pastel Makeup Tutorial for Fall/Winter

The Backbone Of Your Winter Wardrobe

Although we experience a hotter alternative to the West’s colder and darker winter it doesn’t mean we have to forgo all winter great pleasures, especially if you are travelling to the colder climates in the next few months. With a few alterations, it’s easy to incorporate a high neck polo into your everyday wardrobe without boiling up inside and earning yourself instant style kudos. Plaid … Continue reading The Backbone Of Your Winter Wardrobe

Glam Squad

Gather your BFFs, slip into a killer party dress and get ready to shine like the star you are. With highlights of burnished gold — the shade of buried treasure — and enchanting ruby red jacquards, alongside cheeky shift dresses and sky-high stilettos, the party season has arrived and it’s gonna be a glamorous affair. So put on a spot of lippy, some major sparkle and a whole lot … Continue reading Glam Squad